
Bug Tracking


Bug Tracking refers to the process of monitoring and documenting issues, also known as bugs, in hardware, software, or web development. It helps programmers to keep track of reported software defects and manage their resolution. Bug tracking systems are commonly used in software development projects to maintain quality control.


The phonetics of “Bug Tracking” would be: /bÊŒg ˈtrækɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Bug Tracking Systems are essential for software development: They allow developers to keep track of issues that arise during the development process, ensuring that bugs are promptly addressed and resolved
  2. Improves Quality of the Software: By effectively tracking and fixing bugs, software quality can be significantly improved. This not only results in a better product, but also enhances customer satisfaction.
  3. Promotes Better Teamwork and Communication: Bug tracking systems enable better communication between developers, project managers, and stakeholders. It ensures everyone has a clear understanding of the identified issues and their resolution status.



Bug tracking plays a crucial role in the domain of technology by tracking and documenting problems and glitches within a system or software application. It is an essential component of software development and quality assurance because it assists developers in identifying, monitoring, and resolving issues that impact the functionality or user experience of the software. The systematic approach of bug tracking helps in attaining higher product quality by prioritizing and fixing critical issues. It also provides transparency through a clear record of identified bugs and their resolutions, creating a more efficient and effective process for software development teams. In a nutshell, bug tracking is important as it contributes significantly to the overall improvement, reliability, and success of a software product.


Bug tracking, also known as defect tracking, is an integral part of the software development process that aids in detecting, reporting, and managing glitches or “bugs” in software or applications. It plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth development of applications by organizing, documenting, and following up on bugs that are identified by users or developers. This process is not only limited to spotting errors but also encompasses the tracking and management of improvements, enhancements, and other features of the software. Bug tracking systems catalog these issues and provide a clear vision of their resolution process. The primary purpose of bug tracking is to provide a systematic way of maintaining high quality in software development, thereby improving user experience. Bug tracking tools allow teams to collaborate effectively by providing transparency about ongoing issues, their status, and the person responsible for the resolution. This mitigates the risk of unresolved issues going unnoticed and ensures enhanced efficiency in handling bugs. Moreover, bug tracking enables developers to understand the frequency and patterns of occurring bugs, which can be helpful in further preventing their occurrence. Thus, bug tracking serves as a crucial debugging approach, improving overall software reliability and performance.


1. JIRA: Developed by Atlassian, JIRA is a commonly used bug tracking and project management tool by many companies and project teams across the globe. It provides tools for tracking bugs, scheduling, project management and more. In the real world, software developers use JIRA to enter any issues or bugs discovered during or after software development. These bugs are then prioritized and assigned to the relevant team members. 2. Bugzilla: This is a web-based bug tracking system operated by the Mozilla Foundation, but it is also used by other companies and individuals for managing software development. As one of the older open-source bug tracking system available today, Bugzilla has the capability to track bugs and code changes, as well as a communication tool for quality assurance and development teams. Its use in real life can be seen across different kinds of industries beyond just software, including engineering and education.3. Github Issue Tracker: This is another popular platform where software bugs are tracked. Github, a highly popular platform for code sharing and publishing, has its own issue tracker that is used for discussing and tracking bugs within the community. Users can create an issue where they detail the bug they’ve found, and others can comment on it or follow it to be updated when there’s progress. For example, the Microsoft team uses the Github Issue Tracker to track bugs and get community feedback on the .NET Core project.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is Bug Tracking?**A: Bug Tracking refers to the process of identifying, tracking, and managing bugs or errors in software. It’s a critical aspect of software development that ensures the software operates as intended and maintains its quality and reliability.**Q: How does Bug Tracking work?**A: Bug Tracking works by allowing developers to record issues that they have identified in their software. These records, known as bug reports, often include information such as description of the bug, steps to reproduce it, and its impact on the software’s function. These reported bugs are then tracked, and prioritized for fixes.**Q: Why is Bug Tracking important?**A: Bug tracking is essential for maintaining the quality of software. It helps to ensure that bugs are not just identified, but also managed in a systematic way. This includes making sure that critical bugs are prioritized and fixed swiftly to avoid major disruptions.**Q: What tools are used for Bug Tracking?**A: Several tools including Jira, Bugzilla, Mantis, and Trac are popularly used in industries for bug tracking. These offer unique features such as bug reporting, tracking, and collaboration among team members.**Q: Who uses Bug Tracking tools?**A: Bug Tracking tools are predominantly used by software developers and testers. However, they can also be used by project managers and other stakeholders involved in software development projects to keep a track of software issues and their resolution status.**Q: When should a Bug Tracking tool be used?**A: A Bug Tracking tool should be used throughout the entire software development and maintenance lifecycle. From initial development through to final testing, release, and subsequent software updates – bug tracking is critical at all stages.

Related Technology Terms

  • Debugging
  • Issue Tracking Systems
  • Software Regression
  • Test Case
  • Software Maintenance

Sources for More Information


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