

Definition of Emoji

An emoji is a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion, or concept in electronic communication. It originated from the combination of the Japanese words “e” (picture) and “moji” (character). Emojis have become an essential part of modern digital communication, helping users convey feelings, reactions, and intentions in a visually appealing and concise way.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Emoji” is:/ɪˈmoÊŠdÊ’i/ or i-MOH-jee

Key Takeaways

  1. Emojis are small digital icons used to express ideas or emotions through electronic communication.
  2. They offer a way to add emotional context and non-verbal cues in text-based conversations, improving communication.
  3. Originally from Japan, emojis quickly gained popularity worldwide and are now integrated into most social media platforms, messaging apps, and email clients.

Importance of Emoji

The technology term “emoji” is important because it has revolutionized the way people communicate in the digital age.

Emojis are small digital icons or images that are used to express emotions, ideas, or concepts in electronic communication.

They have transcended the role of traditional punctuation and plain text, enabling users to convey feelings, nuances, and tone more effectively and intuitively.

As a universal visual language, emojis have bridged cultural and linguistic gaps, allowing for greater global communication and understanding.

The immense popularity and widespread use of emojis have also impacted social media, marketing, and brand engagement, as well as influenced the development of digital communication tools and platforms.


Emoji have become an integral part of digital communication, serving a significant purpose that goes beyond mere expression and visual appeal. In essence, they play a crucial role in our everyday conversations, whether through messaging apps, social media platforms, or other digital channels. Emoji provide a convenient and concise means to convey emotion, context, and intent, addressing the inherent limitations of plain text communication.

They help to mimic the non-verbal cues (such as facial expressions and body language) that we rely on when conversing face-to-face, effectively bridging the gap in understanding that often arises when words alone are used. The wide range of available emoji also enables users to represent their identity and culture, thus promoting inclusivity and fostering connections between people across the globe. Furthermore, emoji hold a significant value in terms of enhancing user experience and boosting engagement, as they provide an expressive means for individuals to communicate their feelings, reactions, and thoughts in a visually appealing manner.

Businesses and brands are also leveraging these colorful, versatile icons as marketing communication tools to create relatable content and forge strong connections with their target audiences. By using emoji, companies can make their messages more personalized, attention-grabbing, and memorable, elevating overall digital communication effectiveness. As modern-day hieroglyphics, emoji have evolved beyond their superficial status to become a powerful linguistic resource, allowing people and organizations alike to communicate in more vivid, creative, and engaging ways.

Examples of Emoji

Mobile Messaging Platforms: Emoji usage has become widespread in various messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and iMessage. People use emojis to express emotions, reactions, and ideas in their conversations, making online communication much more engaging and visually appealing.

Marketing and Advertising: Brands and businesses have recognized the potential of emojis in connecting with their consumers. Many marketing campaigns now incorporate emojis in their social media posts, email newsletters, and advertisements to evoke emotions and create a more relatable message for the target audience. For instance, PepsiCo launched the “PepsiMoji” campaign in 2016, featuring custom-designed emojis printed on their bottles and cans, along with an accompanying marketing campaign.

Movie and Entertainment Industry: The popularity of emojis has also entered the entertainment world. Sony Pictures Animation released a feature film called “The Emoji Movie” in 2017, based on the various emojis available on smartphones. In addition, emojis have become a crucial part of social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, wherein users utilize emojis to add character or context to their photos and videos.

Emoji FAQ

What are emojis?

Emojis are small digital images or icons used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication. They can be used on various platforms, such as social media, messaging apps, and websites, to add personality and uniqueness to messages.

How do I use emojis on my phone or computer?

To use emojis on your phone, access the emoji keyboard by tapping or clicking on the emoji icon in your messaging app. Once the keyboard appears, select the emoji you want to use. On a computer, you can either use keyboard shortcuts or copy and paste emojis from websites that provide a library of emojis.

Why are some emojis different on different devices or platforms?

Emojis can vary between devices and platforms because different companies create their own emoji designs. The basic meaning of the emoji remains the same, but the appearance may change based on the device or platform you are using.

Can I create custom emojis?

Yes, you can create custom emojis using various emoji maker apps or websites. Custom emojis can be a fun way to express your unique personality and add some flair to your messages.

Is there a standard set of emojis that everyone uses?

There is a standard set of emojis called Unicode emojis, which are available on most devices and platforms. However, companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft often create their own versions of these Unicode emojis, resulting in slight differences in design.

Related Technology Terms


  • Unicode
  • Emoticon
  • Animated Emoji
  • Character Encoding
  • Grapheme Cluster


Sources for More Information


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