Enterprise Asset Management

Definition of Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) refers to a strategic approach used by businesses to optimally manage their physical assets throughout their lifecycle. EAM typically involves operations, maintenance, and acquisition of assets to improve their efficiency, quality, and performance. This approach aids in cost-effective decision-making and risk management, contributing to a business’s overall performance and profitability.


The phonetic spelling of “Enterprise Asset Management” using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) would be: /ˈɛntərˌpraɪz ˈæsɛt ˈmænɪdʒmənt/Breaking it down by word:- Enterprise: /ˈɛntərˌpraɪz/- Asset: /ˈæsɛt/- Management: /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/

Key Takeaways

  1. Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) optimizes the lifecycle of your assets, enabling organizations to efficiently manage, maintain, and track their physical assets to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.
  2. EAM systems increase asset productivity by providing real-time data on asset conditions, performance, and location, enabling businesses to make better-informed decisions and prioritize asset maintenance and replacement.
  3. By integrating EAM systems with other business applications such as ERP, procurement, and analytics tools, organizations can achieve greater visibility into their operations, increase collaboration, and streamline workflows.

Importance of Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is a critical technology term as it refers to the comprehensive and systematic approach businesses utilize to optimize the lifespan, performance, and value of their physical assets.

This can include equipment, infrastructure, and facilities that are essential for seamless operations.

By leveraging EAM solutions, organizations can effectively plan, track, maintain, and dispose of their assets while ensuring cost-efficiency, regulatory compliance, and enhanced asset performance.

Consequently, EAM allows businesses to make informed decisions, reduce downtime, minimize risks, and achieve long-term strategic goals, ultimately contributing to sustainable growth and competitiveness in the market.


Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) primarily serves the purpose of optimizing an organization’s physical assets’ lifecycle to maximize their value and minimize costs associated with their operation, maintenance, and disposal. Operating across various industries and sectors, EAM encompasses a wide range of activities geared toward streamlining operational efficiency, reducing risk, and leveraging data-driven insights for better decision-making. It comprehensively manages every aspect of an asset’s lifecycle, from its procurement, commissioning, and maintenance, to its repair or replacement, and ultimately, its decommissioning and disposal.

By integrating elements such as equipment monitoring, inventory management, and preventive maintenance planning, EAM enables organizations to strategically deploy their resources and minimize asset downtime. One of the core advantages of implementing an EAM system is its powerful impact on an organization’s ability to swiftly respond to changing business demands and adhere to regulatory requirements. When dealing with high-value assets, companies are faced with complex challenges to meet performance expectations, comply with safety regulations, and ensure financial profitability.

EAM solutions assist in navigating these challenges by providing real-time visibility and control over the assets while proactively identifying risks and inefficiencies. Technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly enhanced EAM systems, allowing companies to leverage their data towards informed decision-making and optimized asset performance. As a result, EAM systems contribute significantly to the overall growth, sustainability, and competitive advantage of an organization.

Examples of Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is a strategic approach to managing the lifecycle of an organization’s physical assets, optimizing their usage, and minimizing the costs associated with them. Here are three real-world examples of EAM in action:

Transportation Sector:One of the most notable examples of EAM in the transportation sector is its implementation in the New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA). The NYCTA uses an EAM system to manage, track, and maintain all the assets in its infrastructure, including its fleet of over 6,000 subway cars and buses, and over 2,000 miles of track. Using the EAM solution, NYCTA can efficiently schedule maintenance, perform inspections, oversee repairs, and improve the overall performance of its transportation services, ensuring the safety and reliability of its fleet.

Oil and Gas Industry:A leading global oil and gas company, Royal Dutch Shell, uses EAM technology to manage its assets and operations across the world. The EAM system helps Shell track the condition and performance of its assets, such as offshore platforms, refineries, and pipelines. This comprehensive visibility allows Shell to analyze and predict equipment failure, minimize downtime, and optimize maintenance activities, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and cost savings.

Healthcare Industry:The Mayo Clinic, one of the largest and most respected medical institutions in the US, employs EAM technology to manage and maintain thousands of medical devices and equipment and over 40,000 rooms across its facilities. The EAM system allows the Mayo Clinic to track the location, usage, and maintenance history of its assets. This enables the hospital to allocate resources more effectively, reduce equipment downtime, and ensure regulatory compliance. Using EAM technology, the Mayo Clinic can ensure the highest level of quality healthcare and patient satisfaction.

Enterprise Asset Management FAQ

What is Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)?

Enterprise Asset Management is a system that enables organizations to manage and optimize the lifecycle of their physical assets, such as infrastructure, facilities, and equipment. It helps in maximizing asset performance, extending asset life, and minimizing operational costs through better planning, tracking, and maintenance of assets.

What are the benefits of Enterprise Asset Management?

EAM provides a wide range of benefits, including improved asset performance, reduced maintenance costs, enhanced asset visibility, better decision-making, increased regulatory compliance, and extended asset life. It also helps in optimizing asset utilization, reducing downtime, and improving overall operational efficiency.

What are the key features of an Enterprise Asset Management system?

Key features of an EAM system include asset lifecycle management, maintenance management, work order management, inventory management, asset tracking, reporting and analytics, and mobile access. These features help organizations to manage their assets effectively and meet their business goals.

Who should use an Enterprise Asset Management system?

Organizations across various industries, such as manufacturing, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, and public sector, can benefit from EAM systems. It is especially useful for organizations with a large number of physical assets and those that want to manage their assets more efficiently to gain a competitive advantage.

How does Enterprise Asset Management integrate with other systems?

EAM systems can integrate with several other systems, such as ERP, CRM, and GIS systems, to share and receive data and provide a comprehensive view of the entire asset lifecycle. This integration helps in achieving a higher level of operational efficiency and better decision-making regarding asset management.

Related Technology Terms

  • Asset lifecycle management
  • Maintenance management
  • Inventory management
  • Work order management
  • Condition monitoring

Sources for More Information

  • Gartner – https://www.gartner.com/en
  • IBM – https://www.ibm.com/uk-en/products/category/business/enterprise-asset-management
  • Forrester Research – https://www.forrester.com/
  • TechRepublic – https://www.techrepublic.com/

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The DevX Technology Glossary is reviewed by technology experts and writers from our community. Terms and definitions continue to go under updates to stay relevant and up-to-date. These experts help us maintain the almost 10,000+ technology terms on DevX. Our reviewers have a strong technical background in software development, engineering, and startup businesses. They are experts with real-world experience working in the tech industry and academia.

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