

Definition of Exception

In computing, an exception is an event that arises during the execution of a program and disrupts its normal flow, often due to errors or abnormal conditions. Exceptions are typically handled by specialized code called exception handlers, which help prevent the program from crashing and allow it to recover gracefully. By managing exceptions, developers aim to improve the stability and error-resilience of their software.


The phonetic transcription of the keyword “Exception” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /ɪkˈsÉ›pʃən/

Key Takeaways

  1. Exceptions are events that occur during the execution of a program when an error or an unexpected situation arises, causing the normal flow of the program to be disrupted.
  2. Handling exceptions is crucial in programming, as it allows the developers to manage errors and unexpected behaviors without crashing the application. This can be achieved through the use of try-catch blocks.
  3. Many programming languages also offer the ability to create custom exceptions, allowing developers to generate precise error messages, and make debugging and error handling more efficient and clear.

Importance of Exception

The technology term “exception” is important because it refers to an event or condition that occurs when a program encounters an unexpected situation during its execution.

Exceptions play a crucial role in managing errors and enhancing the reliability and robustness of software applications.

By handling exceptions, developers can prevent their programs from crashing or exhibiting unpredictable behavior in the face of unexpected inputs or events.

Instead, they can create pre-defined responses or recovery options to ensure the proper functioning of the application.

As a result, exception handling contributes significantly to improving the overall user experience, by promoting stability, dependability, and ease of debugging in software applications.


Exception handling is an essential component in software development that aims to address situations when unexpected or erroneous conditions, commonly known as exceptions, occur during the execution of a program. The main purpose of exception handling is to ensure that the program continues to operate even in the presence of unforeseen situations or errors, making it more robust and fault-tolerant.

By isolating and managing exceptional cases separately, developers can maintain the readability and efficiency of their code, while providing meaningful feedback or corrective measures to users when an issue arises. Exception handling mechanisms vary depending on the programming language being used, but typically involve the use of try, catch, and finally blocks.

When an exception is detected, the program’s normal flow is interrupted and the control is passed to the specified exception handler within the catch block. This allows the software to either address the issue by implementing a suitable solution or gracefully recover from the problem, informing the user about the issue and any potential impacts on the system.

Furthermore, the finally block ensures that specific tasks are performed, such as releasing resources, regardless of whether an exception was encountered or not. Overall, exception handling not only improves the stability and user experience of a software system but also promotes a structured approach to dealing with errors and other exceptional circumstances.

Examples of Exception

I believe you are referring to Exception in programming, which typically relates to error handling within software applications. Exception handling is crucial for building robust software that can anticipate, handle, and recover from errors that may occur during the execution of a program. Here are three real-world examples of exception handling:

E-commerce Website: Online shopping websites are complex platforms that handle numerous user interactions, database transactions, payment processing, and shipment management. An e-commerce website must have solid exception handling mechanisms to manage various errors such as incorrect user inputs, unavailable products, failed payment transactions, or API errors. For instance, if a particular product goes out of stock, exceptions can be used to display a message to the user instead of crashing the website.

Banking Systems: Financial institutions use software to manage their day-to-day operations, which includes processing user transactions, interacting with other banks, and validating customer information. Exception handling plays a critical role in ensuring that the system operates smoothly, even when unforeseen errors occur. For example, when transferring funds between bank accounts, the system may encounter exceptions due to incorrect account details or insufficient balance. Proper exception handling helps the banking system to display a proper error message and prevent the transaction from failing.

Flight Reservation System: Airlines use sophisticated software to manage flight reservations, passenger information, and seat allocation. Exception handling is crucial in smoothly handling situations such as overbooking flight seats or handling database errors. If an error occurs during the booking process, exception handling can gracefully inform the user about the issue and guide them to the appropriate step to resolve the problem.

Exception FAQ

What is an exception?

An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program, disrupting its normal flow. Exceptions typically result from programming errors or unexpected conditions, such as trying to divide by zero or accessing a nonexistent array element.

How do you handle exceptions in programming?

To handle exceptions, you can use a try-catch block. The try block contains the code that might throw an exception, and the catch block contains code that handles the exception thrown by the try block. This way, you can manage and respond to exceptional conditions without stopping the entire program.

What is the difference between a checked and an unchecked exception?

Checked exceptions are those that must be anticipated and handled during the development process, usually through a try-catch block or by specifying a throws clause. Unchecked exceptions, on the other hand, are often the result of programming errors and do not need to be explicitly caught or specified. In Java, checked exceptions extend the java.lang.Exception class, while unchecked exceptions extend the java.lang.RuntimeException class.

What is a custom exception?

A custom exception is a user-defined exception that is unique to a specific application or situation. By creating custom exceptions, you can provide more meaningful information to users or other developers when an exceptional situation occurs. Custom exceptions are typically created by extending the base Exception class or any other relevant subclass.

What is the finally block in exception handling?

The finally block is an optional section of code that follows the try and catch blocks in exception handling. The code within the finally block is always executed, regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. This block is useful for performing cleanup operations, such as closing file streams or releasing resources, that should take place under any circumstances.

Related Technology Terms

  • Error Handling
  • Try-Catch Block
  • Runtime Error
  • Throw Keyword
  • Custom Exception

Sources for More Information


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