
Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer

Definition of Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer

Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) is a type of SSL certificate that provides the highest level of security and authentication for websites. It involves a rigorous validation process, which verifies the identity of the website owner and their organization’s legitimacy. With an EV SSL certificate, a website displays a green address bar and the company name next to the URL, ensuring visitors that the site is secure and authentic.


The phonetics of the keyword “Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer” is:É›kˈstÉ›ndɪd vəˈlɪdeɪʃən sɪˈkjÊŠr ˈsÉ’kɪt ˈleɪər

Key Takeaways

  1. Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL) certificates are the highest level of SSL certificates, providing a superior level of trust and security compared to other SSL certificates.
  2. EV SSL certificates require a strict validation process, ensuring that the organization requesting the certificate has been thoroughly vetted and is legitimate.
  3. When a site has an EV SSL certificate, the browser displays a green address bar (or another visual indicator) to signal to users that the website is verified, trustworthy, and secure.

Importance of Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer

Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) is an important technology term in the realm of internet security as it refers to a high-level of SSL certificate, offering an enhanced level of trust and protection for website users.

This is achieved by implementing a rigorous vetting process to verify the legitimacy of an organization, which in turn increases user confidence in the site’s authenticity.

EV SSL certificates also bring forth a visual indicator to users, such as a green address bar or padlock icon, ensuring secure encrypted connections between a user’s browser and the website’s server.

With cyber threats and malicious actors being a prevalent issue in today’s digital landscape, EV SSL plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring secure transactions, and driving robust online security measures for both users and website owners alike.


Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) serves a crucial purpose in the online security landscape as a prominent tool that provides the highest level of authentication and assurance for websites. The primary goal of EV SSL is to foster trust between website operators and online users, assuring them that they have indeed accessed a safe and authentic platform.

This heightened level of security and validation is particularly vital in the case of e-commerce websites, financial institutions, and organizations that require users to submit sensitive personal or financial information. Consequently, EV SSL minimizes the risk of data breaches and discourages fraudulent activities perpetrated by cybercriminals, while also fostering an environment of trust among companies and their customers.

An essential aspect of EV SSL is the rigorous vetting process that organizations must undergo to obtain an EV SSL certificate. Certificate authorities verify the applicant’s business information, ensuring that the company behind the website is legitimate and operating legally, which, in turn, gives consumers and online users the confidence that their transactions and interactions with the site are secure.

Additionally, the EV SSL certificate clearly signals to users that they are on a validated website through visible indicators like a green address bar and the display of the company’s name within the URL. As businesses increasingly operate online, the adoption of Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer certificates is a testament to a company’s commitment to protecting its users and enhancing their experience by ensuring the utmost level of security and trust.

Examples of Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer

Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) is a technology that provides advanced security for websites by adding an additional layer of authentication and encryption. Here are three real-world examples of EV SSL usage.

E-commerce Websites – Major online retailers such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart use EV SSL certificates to protect their customers’ sensitive information during online transactions. By displaying the green padlock symbol and company name in the address bar, these websites signify that the connection is secure, encrypted, and the company has been verified by the certificate authority. This helps build trust among customers and prevents potential phishing attacks.

Banking and Financial Institutions – Organizations like Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo use EV SSL certificates for their online platforms to ensure secure communication when users access their accounts or perform financial transactions. The presence of an EV SSL certificate helps protect users’ sensitive data like login credentials, account numbers, and personally identifiable information from being intercepted by any malicious party.

Government Websites – Government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, use EV SSL certificates to establish a high level of trust and security for their constituents. By implementing EV SSL, these government websites protect users’ information while facilitating interactions like tax filings, benefits claims, and voter registration services. This helps citizens feel confident that they are interacting with an authentic government website and their personal data will remain secure.

Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) FAQ

What is Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL)?

Extended Validation Secure Socket Layer (EV SSL) is the highest level of SSL certificate, providing the strongest encryption and identity assurance. EV SSL certificates require a rigorous validation process to ensure the highest level of trust and security for your website.

Why should I use an EV SSL certificate?

Using an EV SSL certificate provides your website with an enhanced level of security and trust. With an EV SSL certificate, your visitors can see a green padlock symbol and your organization’s name in the web browser’s address bar, indicating that your website is trustworthy and secure.

How does EV SSL differ from other SSL certificates?

EV SSL certificates have a more rigorous validation process than other types of SSL certificates, like Domain Validation (DV) and Organization Validation (OV) certificates. This means that the issuing Certificate Authority (CA) verifies not only the domain ownership but also the existence and legitimacy of the organization behind the website. As a result, EV SSL certificates offer the highest level of trust and security among SSL certificates.

How do I obtain an EV SSL certificate?

To obtain an EV SSL certificate, you will need to go through a validation process with a Certificate Authority (CA) that issues EV SSL certificates. This process usually involves providing documentation that proves your organization’s identity, address, and other business details. Once the CA verifies this information, they will issue you an EV SSL certificate.

How long does it take to get an EV SSL certificate?

The time it takes to obtain an EV SSL certificate varies depending on the Certificate Authority (CA) and the responsiveness of the organization applying for the certificate. Generally, the process takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. This is due to the rigorous validation process involved in issuing an EV SSL certificate.

Related Technology Terms

  • Digital Certificate
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Certificate Authority (CA)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

Sources for More Information


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