

Fabless refers to a business model practiced by semiconductor companies that design, develop, and market their own products but outsource the actual manufacturing to third-party foundries. These fabless companies primarily focus on research, development, and chip design, while relying on external partners for fabrication. This strategy enables them to avoid the significant capital investments and operational costs associated with owning and maintaining a production facility.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Fabless” is: /ˈfeɪbləs/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fabless companies focus on designing and marketing semiconductor chips, outsourcing the manufacturing process to specialized foundries.
  2. By eliminating the need for expensive fabrication facilities, fabless companies are able to reduce overhead costs and maintain flexibility, allowing for faster innovation and response to market demands.
  3. Fabless companies have become significant players in the semiconductor industry, with notable examples including Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and Broadcom.


The term “fabless” is important in the technology industry as it signifies a crucial business model adopted by semiconductor companies that focus on the designing and marketing of chips without owning the manufacturing facilities to produce them.

By outsourcing chip production to specialized foundries, fabless companies can significantly reduce overhead costs, investments in equipment, and workforce expenses, ultimately leading to enhanced innovation, flexibility, and competitiveness in the fast-changing technology landscape.

This collaborative approach combines the complementary strengths of fabless companies and foundries, accelerating overall technological advancements and paving the way for rapid growth and development in the electronics industry.


The fabless model has emerged as a response to the increasing complexity and cost constraints in the semiconductor industry. The purpose of the fabless business model is to enable companies to design and market advanced semiconductors while minimizing the costs and risks involved in operating a capital-intensive fabrication plant.

Instead, these fabless companies focus on the design, development, and innovation of semiconductor components, including integrated circuits (ICs). By utilizing this model, they can achieve reduced operational expenses and accelerate product development cycles, allowing them to specialize in their core competency of circuit design. Contracting the manufacturing process to external foundries affords fabless companies increased flexibility and adaptability.

This allows them to adapt to changing market needs, rapidly iterate on designs, and benefit from technological advances at the manufacturing end. Foundries, on the other hand, are able to optimize their production processes and achieve economies of scale by partnering with multiple fabless companies.

Together, the fabless-foundry collaboration drives the semiconductor industry forward, offering cutting-edge technology across various end applications such as consumer electronics, automotive, and communication systems. Ultimately, the fabless model significantly contributes to the continued growth, accessibility, and innovation of advanced electronic devices and systems.

Examples of Fabless

Qualcomm Incorporated: Qualcomm is a leading fabless semiconductor company headquartered in San Diego, California, USA. It specializes in wireless and mobile communication technologies, with a significant market share in wireless communication chips for smartphones and other devices. Qualcomm designs System on Chips (SoC), and its Snapdragon processors are used in various smartphones brands like Samsung, LG, Sony, and Xiaomi.

NVIDIA Corporation: NVIDIA is a prominent fabless technology company that specializes in designing and manufacturing graphics processing units (GPUs) and associated technologies for various markets such as gaming, artificial intelligence, and automotive. Headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA, NVIDIA has significantly contributed to the advancement of computer graphics, deep learning, and AI platforms.

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD): AMD is a fabless semiconductor company based in Santa Clara, California, USA. It develops high-performance computing and visualization solutions, including microprocessors (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), and chipsets. AMD’s processors, such as Ryzen, compete directly against other chip manufacturers like Intel, while its Radeon graphics products compete against NVIDIA in the gaming and computing market segments.

Fabless FAQ

1. What is a fabless company?

A fabless company is a semiconductor company that designs, markets, and sells their products but does not have fabrication facilities (fabs). Instead, they outsource the manufacturing of the semiconductor chips to companies known as foundries or fabrication facilities.

2. What is the advantage of being a fabless company?

As a fabless company, the main advantage is that it focuses on design and innovation without bearing the huge costs associated with owning and operating a manufacturing facility. This allows for lower overhead costs, more flexibility, and a quicker response to changes in market demand or new technologies.

3. How do fabless companies make money?

Fabless companies make money by designing, marketing, and selling semiconductor chips while outsourcing the manufacturing. Profits come from the difference between the cost of manufacturing at third-party foundries and the selling price of their products.

4. Can you give some examples of well-known fabless companies?

Some well-known fabless companies include Qualcomm, NVIDIA, Broadcom, MediaTek, and AMD (Advanced Micro Devices).

5. How has being a fabless company impacted the semiconductor industry?

The fabless business model has led to increased competition and innovation in the semiconductor industry. By allowing companies to focus on design and innovation without bearing the costs associated with running a fabrication facility, fabless companies have disrupted traditional semiconductor industry players that are vertically integrated. As a result, there has been a rise in the number of specialty semiconductor companies, targeting niche markets and introducing innovative products at a faster pace.

Related Technology Terms

  • Semiconductor Design
  • Outsourced Manufacturing
  • Integrated Circuit (IC)
  • Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
  • Foundry

Sources for More Information

  • Investopedia – https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fabless.asp
  • EE Times – https://www.eetimes.com/what-is-semiconductor-fabless-design-business-model/
  • Semi Engineering – https://semiengineering.com/knowledge_centers/low-power-high-performance-systems/design-and-manufacturing/fabless-semiconductor-industry/
  • Science Direct – https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/fabless-semiconductor

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