Feature Group D


Feature Group D (FGD) is a type of telecommunication service provided by telephone companies to their corporate customers. It is a package of sophisticated call-handling features used primarily for call centers, including functions like direct inward dialing (DID) and direct outward dialing (DOD). It facilitates efficient call management and distribution within businesses.


The phonetics of the keyword: Feature Group D is: Fee-ch-er Groop Dee

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Feature Group D, often referred to in telecommunications, is crucial because it represents a type of signaling protocol used in the public switched telephone network (PSTN). It allows for the transmission of call-related information, enhancing the maintenance and establishment of voice circuits between switches. As such, Feature Group D significantly improves the efficiency and reliability of communication by enabling direct inward dialing and advanced calling features. It plays a fundamental role in facilitating long-distance telecommunications and the integration of automated systems such as computer networks and telephone switches. Without Feature Group D, the operation of modern telecommunication systems would be highly inefficient.


Feature Group D is a term related to telecommunication technology that particularly pertains to telephone networks. The primary purpose of Feature Group D (FGD) is to allow long-distance carriers to connect to local telephone networks. It’s a kind of signaling protocol that facilitates the transmission of Caller ID and other related information across multiple telecommunication networks.This service is typically used by long-distance telephone service providers. The use of Feature Group D provides these providers the capacity to use the existing local telephone infrastructure efficiently. When a long-distance call is made, the FGD aids in directing the call to the correct destination by connecting long-distance telephone networks with the local ones. This allows effective communication while maintaining the quality of the call and ensuring appropriate billing data is collected and transmitted.


“Feature Group D” is a term specifically related to telecommunication technology. It’s a type of circuit used to connect long-distance telephone calls via networks. Here are three real-world examples of its use:1. Telecommunication Service Providers: Large telecommunication companies like AT&T, Verizon, or Level 3 use Feature Group D circuits to facilitate long-distance calls. It allows them to route multiple calls over the same physical line, optimizing their network resources.2. Business Communication Systems: Large businesses often have their own internal phone networks – PBX (Private Branch Exchange) Systems. Feature Group D might be implemented in these systems to manage long-distance calls, particularly for international corporations with different locations across the globe.3. Internet Service Providers (ISPs): ISPs often use Feature Group D for dial-up internet connections. While dial-up isn’t common these days, in the early days of the internet, Feature Group D was crucial in allowing ISPs to route internet traffic over telephone lines.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is Feature Group D?A: Feature Group D (FGD) is a type of telecommunications circuit that is used to provide “equal access” long distance service from local phone company (the LEC) switching centers to interexchange carriers (IXC). Q: What does Feature Group D (FGD) provide?A: FGD provides callers with the capability to dial the long distance carrier of their choice directly, usually via an 800 number or a 10XXX dial-around code.Q: How does Feature Group D (FGD) work? A: Once the telephone number is dialed, the local exchange carrier identifies the call as a long-distance call. The call is then passed to the chosen long distance carrier for delivery.Q: What is the main purpose of Feature Group D (FGD)?A: The main purpose is to allow equal access long-distance service from local phone company switching centers to interexchange carriers.Q: Is Feature Group D (FGD) applicable to all types of calls?A: No, FGD is mainly used for long-distance calls, not for local or intraLATA calls.Q: What is the difference between Feature Group D and other Feature Groups?A: The main difference lies in the level of service provided. FGD provide a full set of services, including call setup and call completion to the desired long distance carrier. Q: How can I switch my long distance carrier using Feature Group D (FGD)?A: You can switch your long-distance carrier by dialing the carrier’s access code (usually an 800 number) before making your call.

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Sources for More Information


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