Fixed Routing


Fixed routing, also known as static routing, is a network routing method where paths for transmitting data are pre-determined and do not change. Unlike adaptive routing where paths can vary according to network conditions, in fixed routing the path between a source and destination is set. It’s less complex and easier to control but lacks flexibility to adapt to changes or failures in the network.


The phonetics of the keyword “Fixed Routing” is: /ˈfikst ˈraʊtɪŋ/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Fixed routing, also known as static routing, is a process in which a predetermined path is set up for sending data packets along a network. This path stays consistent and doesn’t change dynamically as conditions on the network change.
  2. While it can be less flexible than dynamic routing, fixed routing offers advantages in terms of simplicity and predictability. It ensures that data will always travel along the same path, reducing the risk of packets getting lost or taking longer routes.
  3. However, fixed routing also presents the challenge of managing and maintaining the network. If a node in the route fails, manual intervention is often required to establish a new path. This can lead to delays and inefficiencies in data transmission.



Fixed Routing plays a significant role in telecommunication networks, as it refers to a network routing strategy that employs a single, predetermined path for data packets to move from source to destination. This approach is important due to its simplicity, reliability, and lower cost since the path is already predefined, avoiding the need for complex algorithms during the process. Its efficiency is optimal in stable networks where network traffic is predictable and the path’s capacity can comfortably accommodate the traffic demand. However, it should be noted that while fixed routing is efficient and cost-effective, its rigidity may result in congestion if the network demand exceeds the capacity on the predefined path. Hence, the significance of fixed routing in technology is tied to its optimal use in predictable, stable network environments.


Fixed routing, widely employed in the realm of computer networking, serves the purpose of directing data packets between nodes in a network using a single, pre-determined path. This type of routing is typically set up by a network administrator and the routes remain constant unless manually adjusted. Fixed routing is advantageous specifically in terms of its simplicity and minimal resource consumption, as it doesn’t require algorithms to determine the best path like dynamic routing does. This makes it particularly suited for smaller, less complex networks where there is little change in routing paths.Additionally, fixed routing plays a critical role in creating a predictable networking environment. Since the routes are predefined, the path that data takes through the network is always known, which can be advantageous for troubleshooting network issues, planning for network growth, or managing network security. Despite the lack of route adaptability in response to changes in the network status, fixed routing remains a viable solution in stable networks with predictable traffic patterns.


1. Postal Service: The postal service uses fixed routing to deliver mail throughout the country. Each mail delivery route is pre-determined and fixed. Postmen and women take the same route every day, delivering mail to the same houses and businesses. This fixed route ensures that every postal customer receives their mail in the most efficient manner possible.2. Public Transportation: Another real-world example of fixed routing can be seen in public transportation systems. Buses, trams, and trains operate on fixed routes, stopping at the same locations at predetermined times. This allows passengers to know when and where they can board transportation and reach their destination.3. Packet Data Network: In computer networks, specifically in packet-switched networks, fixed routing is often used. A fixed or static routing is when the path for data is pre-configured and does not change, meaning data between two endpoints always travels along the same path, regardless of other network conditions. This is a simple, low-cost routing technique but can be less adaptive to changes or failures in the network.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is Fixed Routing?***A: Fixed Routing, also known as static routing, is a technique used in data routing where all traffic follows a pre-established path. This means the route is predetermined, and it doesn’t change until the network engineer changes it.***Q2: What are the advantages of Fixed Routing?***A: Fixed Routing is simple, secure, and reliable. It requires less processing power and memory compared to adaptive routing. It’s also not subject to routing loops and produces predictable network paths.***Q3: What are the disadvantages of Fixed Routing?***A: Fixed Routing does not adapt to network changes like traffic overloads or hardware failures. It may lead to inefficient use of network resources and does not support load balancing.***Q4: When should Fixed Routing be used?***A: Fixed Routing is generally used in smaller networks with simple topology where traffic patterns are predictable and the network design is relatively static.***Q5: How does Fixed Routing work?***A: In Fixed Routing, the network path between the source and the destination host is fixed. The route is manually pre-configured by the network administrator and does not change unless manually modified.***Q6: Does fixed routing require any complex algorithms or mechanisms?***A: No, Fixed Routing does not require complex algorithms or mechanisms, making it less resource-intensive and easy to implement and manage.***Q7: How does Fixed Routing differ from Adaptive Routing?***A: Unlike Adaptive Routing that automatically adjusts to network changes, Fixed Routing follows a predetermined path and does not change even if there are better or more efficient routes available.***Q8: How can I implement Fixed Routing in my network?***A: Fixed Routing can be implemented by manually defining routing tables in the routing devices. You will have to manually enter each route, specifying both the destination network and the next hop.***Q9: Is Fixed Routing suitable for large networks?***A: Generally, Fixed Routing is not suitable for large, dynamic networks due to its inability to automatically adjust to network changes. However, it may be appropriate in certain cases where network routes are stable and predictable.* **Q10: Can Fixed Routing handle network failures effectively?***A: Fixed Routing is not designed to handle network failures effectively. If a specific route fails, Fixed Routing does not automatically find an alternative route. The routes have to be manually reconfigured by a network administrator.*

Related Finance Terms

  • Static Routing
  • Routing Table
  • Network Topology
  • Data Packet
  • Network Node

Sources for More Information


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