Fixed Wireless Access


Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) refers to a method of providing wireless internet connectivity through the use of radio signals instead of traditional wired solutions like cables or fiber. This typically involves setting up a network infrastructure with base stations and antennas to communicate with customer premises equipment. FWA is often useful for providing broadband services to rural or remote areas where laying cables may not be feasible or cost-effective.


The phonetics of the keyword “Fixed Wireless Access” in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) are: /ˈfɪkst ˈwaɪərlɪs ˈæksɛs/

Key Takeaways

  1. Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) provides high-speed internet connectivity using wireless technology, eliminating the need for physical cables.
  2. FWA offers a cost-effective solution for connecting remote or rural areas, making internet access more accessible for businesses and individuals.
  3. With advancements in technology like 5G, the performance and reliability of Fixed Wireless Access are continuously improving, enabling more robust connections and support for a wide range of applications.


Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is a crucial technology term because it represents a cost-effective and rapidly deployable broadband connectivity solution, especially for rural and underserved areas lacking proper infrastructure for wired connections.

By utilizing radio signals to transmit data between different fixed points, FWA bypasses the need for laying expansive and expensive cabling systems.

This technology has gained significant importance in recent years, as it facilitates more accessible high-speed internet connections across vast regions, thus fostering digital inclusion, economic growth, and improved communication services.

Additionally, with the advent of 5G networks, FWA has the potential to deliver higher capacity, lower latency, and enhanced reliability, making it an essential solution in narrowing the digital divide and pacing the way towards universal internet access.


Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) serves as a pivotal solution, particularly for areas where traditional wired connectivity is either unattainable or poses logistical challenges. Picking up the baton, it ensures the delivery of high-speed broadband services by leveraging wireless technologies.

Its purpose primarily lies in presenting an alternative to wired broadband delivery systems like cable, fiber, and digital subscriber lines (DSL). The technology proves ideal for providing connectivity to remote, rural, or hard-to-reach locations that often fall outside the purview of conventional cable or fiber-optic networks. Fixed wireless access typically employs radio signals from a base station to transmit internet services to homes, businesses, and communities, circumventing the need for laying down miles of physical cabling.

FWA systems have gained immense popularity in recent times thanks to their cost-effective and swift deployment capabilities. In addition to addressing the disparities in broadband infrastructure, FWA caters to the demand for bandwidth-hungry applications, with a special focus on residential broadband services, schools, and small businesses.

Equipped with cutting-edge wireless technologies like 4G LTE and 5G, FWA can meet varied connectivity needs, offering rapid, high data-capacity services that rival those of traditional wired broadband systems. Furthermore, the advancing photonics and millimeter wave technology only serve to strengthen FWA’s case, taking it one step further in not only delivering strong internet connections but also spawning innovative applications and business possibilities.

Examples of Fixed Wireless Access

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is a technology that provides internet connectivity using wireless networks instead of traditional wired lines. Here are three real-world examples of Fixed Wireless Access technology implementation:Starry Internet (USA): Starry is a rapidly growing internet service provider based in the United States. It uses FWA technology to offer high-speed broadband connectivity to both residential and commercial customers in many cities, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Boston. Starry uses 5G radio signals and beaming technology to deliver connectivity directly to receivers installed in homes and businesses, bypassing the need for underground fiber or cable installations.

Telkom Indonesia’s IndiHome service: Telkom, one of Indonesia’s largest telecommunications companies, launched an FWA service called IndiHome as part of its effort to widen the nation’s broadband coverage. Utilizing both3GHz Time-Division Long-Term Evolution (TD-LTE) and

3 GHz Time-Division Duplex (TDD) technology, IndiHome has enabled broadband access for millions of Indonesians in both urban and remote areas.Net1 Broadband (Sweden): Net1 is a Swedish telecommunications provider that has successfully deployed FWA technology across the country. They offer high-speed broadband connectivity to residences and businesses, particularly in areas where wired broadband infrastructure is insufficient or cost-prohibitive. By establishing fixed wireless towers and antenna systems, Net1 can deliver fast, reliable internet even in Sweden’s rural and remote regions.

Frequently Asked Questions: Fixed Wireless Access

What is Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)?

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) is a type of high-speed internet connectivity that utilizes wireless technology to provide broadband services to homes, businesses, and other locations without the need for traditional wired connections like DSL, cable, or fiber-optic lines.

How does Fixed Wireless Access work?

FWA works by using wireless communication systems to transmit data signals between two fixed points. An internet service provider (ISP) sets up a main base station connected to a high-capacity wired network, which links multiple remote access points (antennas) installed at homes or businesses to establish a wireless connection. The signal is transmitted wirelessly from the base station to the remote access points, which are then connected to a router or modem within a building to provide internet connectivity.

What are the advantages of Fixed Wireless Access?

FWA offers several advantages, including a quicker and more cost-effective deployment compared to traditional wired infrastructure, especially in rural or underserved areas. It can be a viable alternative for locations where laying fiber-optic or other wired connections is challenging or cost-prohibitive. FWA also provides flexibility in terms of bandwidth, which can be increased or decreased depending on demand or usage, making it easier to scale network capacity to meet growing demand.

How does Fixed Wireless Access compare to other internet connectivity options?

FWA offers competitive speeds and performance compared to other internet connectivity options like DSL, cable, and fiber-optic. While FWA may not be able to provide gigabit-level speeds like a dedicated fiber-optic connection, it can deliver robust and reliable broadband capabilities suitable for most residential and small business use cases, including streaming, video conferencing, and web browsing. Additionally, FWA can be more cost-effective and easier to deploy in areas where wired infrastructure is limited or nonexistent.

What are the potential downsides of Fixed Wireless Access?

As with any wireless technology, FWA can be subject to signal interference from factors such as geographic terrain, buildings, and weather conditions, which may affect the quality and reliability of the connection. However, advancements in wireless technology and optimization of network infrastructure can help mitigate these issues. Additionally, FWA may not yet offer as extensive a coverage area as traditional wired services, though ongoing investment in network expansion is helping to bridge this gap.

Related Technology Terms

  • Point-to-Multipoint Communication
  • Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
  • Wireless Broadband
  • Line-of-Sight (LOS) Connectivity
  • WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)

Sources for More Information


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