

Flexography is a printing technique that uses flexible relief plates, typically made of rubber or photopolymer, to create high-quality, consistent prints on various substrates. It is commonly used in industries such as packaging and label printing due to its ability to work with materials like paper, plastic, and foil. This versatile and efficient process produces vibrant colors and can achieve high-speed production rates, making it an ideal choice for large volume printing projects.


The phonetics of the keyword “Flexography” can be represented as: /ˌflɛksˈɒɡrəfi/

Key Takeaways

  1. Flexography is a versatile and cost-effective printing process that utilizes flexible plates and fast-drying inks, making it ideal for various packaging materials and high-volume printing jobs.
  2. Flexographic printers can handle a wide range of substrates, including paper, plastic, metal, and more, ensuring its applicability across many industries such as packaging, label printing, and even newspaper production.
  3. Recent advancements in technology, such as digitally controlled print heads and plate making systems, have greatly improved the overall quality and efficiency of the flexographic printing process, allowing for greater competition with other printing methods.


Flexography is an important technology term because it refers to a versatile and efficient printing process that is widely used in the packaging industry.

This modern high-speed technique employs flexible relief plates and fast-drying inks, enabling the printing of large volumes of high-quality images and text on various substrates such as plastic, foil, paper, and corrugated cardboard.

Its adaptability allows for meeting diverse design requirements, while its eco-friendly nature – through the use of low VOC solvent-based or water-based inks – makes it a sustainable option.

The continuous improvements and innovations in flexography have significantly increased printing speeds and enhanced the quality of the printed output, making it a valuable method in various industries and markets.


Flexography is a modern printing technology that serves the purpose of efficiently producing large volumes of high-quality printed materials with a vast range of colors and designs. Utilized predominantly in the packaging industry, this versatile process is favored for its adaptability to print on a variety of flexible substrates such as paper, plastic, cellophane, and metallic films. The main aim of flexography is to enable the production of visually-appealing packaging materials that can withstand various environmental factors while maintaining the allure of the product it encases.

Additionally, it enables a faster, more cost-effective, and environmentally friendly printing solution compared to traditional methods. To execute its purpose, flexography employs a series of flexible relief plates, which are crafted from photopolymer materials, silicone, or rubber and mounted onto a print cylinder. These plates are subsequently inked and pressed onto the chosen substrate, transferring the desired design in a highly-efficient manner with minimal margin for errors.

This method facilitates continuous printing with rapid speeds, enabling high output rates suited to substantial production volumes. Moreover, the flexibility of the plates allows for textured or uneven surfaces to be printed on without compromising quality. In summary, flexography delivers a reliable and advanced printing solution for its primary function of producing visually captivating, functional, and sturdy packaging materials.

Examples of Flexography

Packaging and Label Printing: Flexography is extensively used in the packaging industry for printing labels, cartons, and other types of packaging materials. Companies like Tetra Pak and Procter & Gamble utilize flexographic printing techniques to produce high-quality, vibrant images on their products. This technology is suitable for packaging materials as it works well on a variety of substrates, including paper, plastic, and metallic films.

Flexible Electronics: Flexographic printing technology has been applied to manufacture flexible electronics, such as sensors, batteries, and circuits. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell developed a flexographic printing method to create wearable electronics and sensors on fabrics. This technology opens up new opportunities for the integration of electronics into everyday items like clothing and smart textiles, enabling new applications like health monitoring systems and energy-efficient devices.

Wallpaper and Home Décor Printing: The home décor industry has also benefited from the advancements in flexographic printing technology. Companies like Graham & Brown use this printing method to create high-quality, detailed wallpapers. Being able to print on textured surfaces and with a variety of inks, flexography is ideal for printing wallpapers with intricate patterns and vivid colors that are both durable and visually appealing.

Flexography FAQ

What is flexography?

Flexography, often abbreviated as flexo, is a printing process that uses a flexible relief plate to transfer ink onto various substrates such as plastic, paper, and metal. It is widely used for packaging and label printing due to its versatility, speed, and ability to produce high-quality results on a variety of materials.

What are the advantages of flexography?

Flexography offers several benefits, including its ability to print on a wide range of materials, faster production speeds, and lower production costs compared to other printing methods. It also allows for long printing runs without loss of quality, making it ideal for high-volume projects, such as product packaging and labeling.

What types of materials can be printed with flexography?

Flexography can print on a variety of substrates such as paper, plastic, foil, film, corrugated material, and even non-porous surfaces. This makes it highly versatile and suitable for many different applications, from food packaging to labels for consumer goods, and other commercial and industrial uses.

How do flexographic plates work?

Flexographic plates, which are typically made from rubber or polymer materials, are created with a raised image of the design that needs to be printed. During the printing process, ink is applied to the raised areas of the plate, then transferred onto the substrate as it passes through the printing press, creating a printed image.

What kind of inks are used in flexography?

Flexographic printing typically uses fast-drying, low-viscosity, solvent-based, water-based, or UV-curable inks. These inks are formulated to work well on a variety of substrates and provide rich, vibrant colors with excellent adherence to the printed material. The choice of ink depends on the specific application and the substrate being used.

Related Technology Terms

  • Photopolymer Plates
  • Anilox Rollers
  • Ink Management System
  • Doctor Blades
  • Printing Sleeves

Sources for More Information


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