


Frag, short for fragmentation, is a term primarily used in computer networking and gaming. In networking, it refers to the division of large packets into smaller segments to fit the network’s maximum transmission unit. In gaming, especially first-person shooters, “frag” refers to eliminating an opponent, commonly derived from the use of fragmentation grenades.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Frag” is /fræɡ/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Frag is a fast and lightweight library for creating and managing WebGL shaders efficiently, providing an impressive performance boost.
  2. It’s designed with ease-of-use in mind, offering a simple API to create and manipulate shaders effortlessly, making it perfect for developers new to WebGL or those wanting to streamline their existing workflow.
  3. Frag can be easily extended to accommodate specific requirements, as it allows developers to create their own custom shader templates and features, promoting versatility and adaptability for different projects.


The term “frag” is important in the technology realm, particularly in the context of computer gaming, as it refers to the act of eliminating or defeating an opponent within the game.

Fragging is a fundamental aspect of gameplay in multiplayer online games, particularly in First-person shooter (FPS) titles, where the primary objective often revolves around defeating other players to score points, complete objectives, or rise in rankings.

Being skillful in fragging provides players with an enjoyable and competitive gaming experience, and its significance in gaming culture has led to the development of various game modes, strategies, and dedicated communities that foster camaraderie, coordination, and e-sports opportunities.


Frag, short for fragmentation, refers to the process of breaking down larger pieces of data into smaller, more manageable segments during transmission in a computer network. This technique becomes especially relevant when networks deal with data packets exceeding the maximum transmission unit (MTU) supported by a specific communication medium.

By carrying out fragmentation, the data packets can be efficiently transmitted across diverse networks, subsequently reassembling at the destination to ensure the data reaches completely and accurately. The primary purpose of fragmentation is to ensure smooth and efficient communication across networks with different MTUs.

Network congestion and bottlenecks can result from the transmission of large, unfragmented data packets, hence this process significantly reduces the possibility of dropped packets and delays within the network. Additionally, fragmentation can also facilitate the likelihood of successful transmission in the presence of obstacles, such as interference or weak signal strength, since smaller packets are less susceptible to corruption.

As a core technique in computer networking, it plays a crucial role in optimizing network performance and reliability, allowing for enhanced data transmission in both wired and wireless environments.

Examples of Frag

“Frag” is a vague term, so I am not sure what specific technology you are referring to. If you could clarify the technology or concept you want real world examples of, I’d be happy to provide them.

Frequently Asked Questions about Frag

What is Frag?

Frag is a term commonly used in the video gaming world, which stands for “fragment” and is often used to signify defeating an opponent, such as eliminating a player or scoring points in a game.

How is the term Frag used in gaming?

In gaming, “frag” is typically used to describe the act of eliminating an opponent in a game, such as through shooting or other forms of attack. When a player “frags” an opponent, it means they have successfully defeated them, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the game.

Which types of games typically use Frag?

Frag is most commonly used in first-person shooter (FPS) games, where the main objective is to eliminate or “frag” opponents in a virtual environment. Examples of FPS games include titles like “Call of Duty,” “Halo,” and “Counter-Strike”. However, the term is not limited to just FPS games and can sometimes be used in other genres as well.

What is the origin of the term Frag?

The term “frag” has its roots in military slang, originating from the word “fragmentation,” often associated with fragmentation grenades. In the context of gaming, this term has evolved to represent any form of eliminating an opponent, regardless of the specific method or weapon used.

Is fragging considered a positive or negative term in gaming?

Fragging can be seen as a positive term when done in the context of fair play and healthy competition, as it represents a player’s success in defeating their opponents. However, some players might use the term inappropriately or maliciously, such as excessively celebrating a frag, which can cause negative connotations. It’s essential to remember the importance of sportsmanship and respecting fellow players.

Related Technology Terms

  • Packet fragmentation
  • Reassembly process
  • Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
  • Fragmentation offset
  • Overlap and duplication

Sources for More Information


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