Fraud over Internet Protocol


Fraud over Internet Protocol (FoIP) is a type of scam where cybercriminals manipulate internet telephony systems to execute fraudulent activities. It’s often used to deliver phishing scams, spam calls, or fake caller IDs to unsuspecting victims over Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems. The goal is typically to deceive people into disclosing sensitive information or executing unauthorized transactions.


Fraud over Internet Protocol would be phonetically spelled as follows: F-r-a-u-d o-v-e-r I-n-t-e-r-n-e-t P-r-o-t-o-c-o-l “Frawd oh-ver In-ter-net Pro-to-kol”

Key Takeaways

  1. Increased Cyber Threat: Fraud over Internet Protocol (FoIP) can be considered a significant cyber threat due to the increased use of the internet for various purposes including business and personal communication. It can lead to substantial losses for individuals and organizations.
  2. Various Forms of Fraud: FoIP can occur in various forms such as phishing, identity theft, financial fraud, etc. It involves the manipulation or misuse of IP-based methods or services to carry out malicious activities.
  3. Necessity for Strong Cybersecurity: To protect against Fraud over Internet Protocol, individuals and businesses need to implement strong cybersecurity practices. This includes use of robust and secure networks, regular system updates, educating users about safe internet practices, and thorough monitoring and identification of unusual activities in the system.


Fraud Over Internet Protocol (FoIP) is a critical term in technology as it refers to the misuse of internet telephony applications (Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP) for fraudulent objectives. The significance of FoIP lies in its potential to inflict extensive damage not only to individual users but also to business operations. Cybercriminals employ deceptive means such as caller ID spoofing, phishing, and vishing through such platforms to mislead victims, steal sensitive information, or engage in financial fraud. Its impact on privacy and financial losses calls for an understanding of FoIP to implement effective security measures and preventive strategies to protect against this growing cybersecurity threat.


Fraud over Internet Protocol (FoIP) is primarily a type of illegal activity targeted to undermine, exploit or manipulate internet-based communication protocols. The term is fundamentally a play on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), an internet-based method of communication. The primary function of FoIP is therefore cybercrime, where unauthorized actors with malicious intent exploit individuals, groups or organizations under the guise of legitimate internet-based communication.In the broad application of communication technology, FoIP is often used for activities such as identity theft, data hacking and phishing among many other unethical and illegal activities. For instance, an FoIP perpetrator might use email spoofing or instant messaging to deceive users into revealing sensitive personal information like passwords or credit card numbers. In some cases, they may even manipulate internet phone systems to make false calls appear as if they’re from legitimate entities. This makes FoIP a popular technique among fraudsters aiming to dupe unsuspecting victims by mimicking or impersonating trustworthy entities.


1. VoIP Caller ID Spoofing Scams: A common type of Fraud over Internet Protocol involves VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. Scammers can use these platforms to manipulate caller ID systems, showing a different number than the actual source of the call. In some cases, these calls might appear to come from legitimate businesses or government agencies, leading the recipient to give out personal or financial information. A well-documented example of this is the IRS phone scam, where fraudsters pretend to be IRS representatives to extract money from unsuspecting victims.2. Phishing Emails: Another common type of Internet Protocol fraud involves sending deceptive emails that appear to be from trustworthy entities to fool users into providing their personal details. For instance, victims might receive an email stating their bank account will be closed if they don’t update their details by clicking a link; the link, however, directs them to a fraudulent website where their information is stolen.3. Internet Auction Fraud: In this type of scam, fraudsters put up attractive or in-demand items for auction at very low prices on platforms like eBay, and then provide faulty contact details or fail to deliver the item after receiving payment. A notable example was the case in 2014 where a fraudster sold an allegedly genuine painting from the renowned artist Peter Doig, which was later discovered to be a forgery when the buyer tried to resell it.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is Fraud over Internet Protocol (FoIP)?** A: Fraud over Internet Protocol refers to the act of using Internet protocols such as IP telephony to defraud or deceive individuals or corporations. It involves manipulating internet communication protocols to commit deceitful activities such as identity theft, phishing, and other types of scams.**Q2: How does Fraud over Internet Protocol occur?**A: FoIP occurs when hackers or scammers exploit vulnerabilities in internet protocols, often in combination with social engineering techniques. They may intercept communications, impersonate legitimate entities, or alter communication data to deceive users into providing sensitive information.**Q3: What are some common types of Fraud over Internet Protocol?**A: Common types of FoIP include VoIP fraud, phishing attacks, e-mail spoofing, and other forms of identity theft. This can also involve caller ID spoofing, where a caller masks their true identity by displaying a false number on the recipient’s caller ID.**Q4: How can I protect myself against Fraud over Internet Protocol?**A: Protecting against FoIP involves steps such as being cautious of unexpected communication asking for personal information, using secure and encrypted communication protocols, keeping software and hardware up-to-date, and not clicking on suspicious links in emails or messages.**Q5: Are businesses at risk of Fraud over Internet Protocol?**A: Yes, businesses can be particularly vulnerable to FoIP, especially those that rely heavily on internet communications. Fraudsters may aim to gain access to sensitive company information or financial resources.**Q6: What should I do if I suspect a Fraud over Internet Protocol attempt?**A: If you suspect a FoIP attempt, do not provide any personal information. Instead, reach out directly to the organization that the suspected fraudster purports to represent. Also, consider reporting the attempt to law enforcement and your service provider.**Q7: Is there software that can help detect or prevent Fraud over Internet Protocol?**A: Yes, various software solutions are available that can help detect or prevent FoIP. These may include antiviral software, firewalls, and network security systems. It’s important to maintain these systems regularly to ensure maximum protection.

Related Finance Terms

  • VoIP Scams
  • Phishing
  • IP Spoofing
  • Denial of Service Attacks
  • Internet-based telephony fraud

Sources for More Information


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