


Google+ification refers to the integration or influence of features from Google+, a social network by Google, into other platforms or services. Google attempted to incorporate Google+ components, such as profiles, Circles, and social sharing, into various Google products. This term represents the company’s efforts to make Google+ a central aspect of users’ digital experiences, which was ultimately unsuccessful as Google+ was shut down in 2019.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Google+ification” is: /ˈɡuːɡl plʌs ˌɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/

Key Takeaways

  1. Google+ification was an attempt to integrate all Google services under a single social platform, making it easier for users to stay connected and share content across various Google products.
  2. The platform focused on providing a more personalized experience by using Circles, Hangouts, and Communities, allowing users to have more control over their interactions and communication with others.
  3. Despite some initial popularity, Google+ification ultimately failed to compete with other major social media platforms, leading to its shutdown in 2019.


The term “Google+ification” is important because it refers to the integration of Google+ features and social aspects into various Google products and services.

This strategy aimed to enhance user engagement and create a more seamless user experience across Google’s products.

It highlights the significance of integrating social elements within a tech ecosystem in order to foster user collaboration, personalization, and more targeted advertisement opportunities.

However, despite this ambitious goal, Google+ did not achieve the widespread success the company had hoped for, thus Google+ification serves as a lesson about the potential challenges and limits of integrating social components into existing platforms.


Google+ification is the process of integrating Google+ features and functionalities into other Google products and services, with the purpose of streamlining users’ online experience and encouraging more engagement across various platforms. By interconnecting these platforms, Google aims to enhance the overall accessibility and convenience for its users, ensuring a seamless navigation and centralized communication among various services.

Such integration allows users to utilize a single Google account to access and manage their diverse Google services, like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Photos, and YouTube, all through the Google+ network. Despite the termination of Google+ as a social networking platform in 2019, its influence and effect on Google’s ecosystem remain evident in some aspects.

One significant aspect is the impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Google+ification enabled users to see relatable and relevant content from their Google+ connections in their search engine results. For businesses and content creators, being able to connect with their audience directly through Google+ resulted in an increased visibility online and better opportunities for customer engagement.

Although Google+ is no longer active, the concept of Google+ification helped shape the ongoing development of Google’s integrated online experience, which continues to connect users across various Google services.

Examples of Google+ification

Google+ification refers to the integration of Google+ features into other Google services or platforms. However, Google+ has been shut down since April 2019 due to low usage and data breaches. Nonetheless, I can provide you with three examples of features and integrations that took place during its presence:

Google+ and YouTube: Google linked Google+ profiles to YouTube accounts, enabling users to comment on YouTube videos using their Google+ accounts. This was aimed at improving the YouTube comments section by promoting meaningful interactions via real user identities. However, this move was met with backlash, and Google eventually reverted YouTube comments back to their original form, allowing users to use YouTube-specific usernames.

Google+ Circles: Google+ introduced the concept of Circles that allowed users to organize people into different classifications such as friends, family, and coworkers. This feature was integrated into other Google services, such as Gmail and Google Photos, where users could share content with the specific circles they had created on Google+.

Google+ Authorship: Google integrated Google+ profiles with its search results for content creators. By linking their Google+ account to the articles they wrote, authors could claim their content, making it visually apparent in Google search results with their name and profile picture. This was aimed at promoting high-quality content and boosting engagement. However, Google Authorship was eventually discontinued in 2014 due to low adoption.Although these features were part of Google+ification, they have been discontinued or evolved since the shutdown of Google+ in April

Google+ification FAQ

What is Google+ification?

Google+ification refers to the integration of Google+ features and functionalities into other Google products and services. This can include sharing buttons, personalized content, and social elements from the now-defunct Google+ social network.

Why did Google choose to implement Google+ification?

Google chose to implement Google+ification to promote and expand the Google+ social network, aiming to make its ecosystem more connected and provide a seamless experience for users across different platforms, products, and services.

Which Google products and services experienced Google+ification?

Some examples of Google products that experienced Google+ification include Google Search, YouTube, Google Drive, and Google Photos. Many of these integrations have been discontinued after the shutdown of the Google+ social network in 2019.

What benefits did Google+ification offer to users?

Google+ification allowed users to easily access their Google+ profiles and content from within other Google products and services. It also offered personalized experiences, friend recommendations, and seamless sharing options to the users.

What has happened to the Google+ification features since the end of Google+ ?

Following the shutdown of Google+ in 2019, Google has removed or replaced many of the integrated social features that were a part of the Google+ification process. For example, Google+ sharing options are no longer available, and the Google+ commenting system on YouTube has been replaced with a standalone YouTube commenting system.

Related Technology Terms

  • Social Network Integration
  • Google+ API
  • Google+ Circles
  • Content Personalization
  • Online Communities

Sources for More Information


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