
Healthcare Information And Management Systems Society


The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a global, non-profit organization dedicated to improving healthcare through the strategic use of information technology and management systems. It focuses on providing industry-leading resources, professional development opportunities, and networking events for healthcare and IT professionals. HIMSS aims to drive better patient outcomes, increased efficiency, and overall improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery.



Key Takeaways

  1. Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a global non-profit organization that focuses on improving healthcare delivery through the use of information technology and management systems.
  2. HIMSS provides industry-leading resources, such as conferences, training, and publications, to support healthcare stakeholders in integrating technology to transform health and well-being.
  3. Through its collaborative initiatives and advocacy efforts, HIMSS promotes health IT best practices and standards, aiming to create a connected ecosystem that enables better patient care, improved outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs.


The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a vital organization in the realm of healthcare technology as it focuses on optimizing health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.

HIMSS plays a significant role in the industry by providing leadership, fostering innovation, and integrating best practices among stakeholders.

The organization brings together healthcare providers, developers, vendors, policy makers, and researchers to drive the adoption and implementation of health IT solutions across the globe.

In doing so, HIMSS not only enhances the efficiency, quality, and safety of healthcare services, but also reduces costs and disparities, ultimately contributing to the betterment of public health and patient care.


The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) serves as a global leader in promoting the transformative use of information and technology in the healthcare field. The overarching purpose of this non-profit organization is to improve patient care outcomes, increase efficiency, and elevate the overall quality of healthcare services.

HIMSS achieves this by providing valuable resources, expertise, and support to healthcare professionals across the globe, enabling them to make informed decisions in leveraging technology to address pressing healthcare challenges. Their activities span a variety of areas, including education, advocacy, networking events, research, and thought leadership initiatives, all aimed at facilitating the seamless integration of innovative technological solutions into the healthcare ecosystem.

One of the key uses of HIMSS is to create and promote standards and best practices in the healthcare IT sector, which in turn fosters a more collaborative and interoperable environment. This enables healthcare providers, insurers, technology vendors, and regulators to work more effectively together, ensuring that the most innovative solutions make it to market in a timely manner.

Additionally, HIMSS is widely recognized for its annual conference and exhibition, which brings together thousands of health IT professionals, clinicians, and executives from around the world to share insights, discuss the latest industry trends, and showcase cutting-edge technology in action. By fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange among industry stakeholders, HIMSS plays a crucial role in driving the adoption and optimization of advanced health IT solutions, ultimately contributing to improved patient care and enhanced overall healthcare delivery.

Examples of Healthcare Information And Management Systems Society

Electronic Health Records (EHRs): One of the key contributions of Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is its promotion of Electronic Health Records to ensure that patients have fully digitized medical records. The introduction of EHRs has made it easier for healthcare providers to keep track of patients’ medical histories, make more accurate diagnoses, and streamline the process of prescription and medication details. For example, Epic systems, a major EHR provider in the US, serves through its electronic health records system large hospitals like Massachusetts General Hospital, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Another significant advancement in the healthcare technology field is the rise of telemedicine, which allows healthcare providers to consult and monitor patients remotely. By leveraging telehealth solutions, patients can receive medical care from their homes, thereby reducing burdens on medical facilities and improving access for people in rural and underserved areas. An example of a real-world Telehealth solution is the Veterans Affairs (VA) Telehealth Services in the US, which provides services like home health monitoring and video consultations to veterans, serving over 2 million telehealth episodes in 2020 alone.

Health Information Exchanges (HIEs): Health Information Exchanges involve electronic sharing of clinical information between different healthcare entities, such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. They help improve the quality and safety of patient care by ensuring that accurate information is available for treating physicians in a timely manner. One real-world example of Health Information Exchanges is the Indiana Health Information Exchange (IHIE), one of the largest HIEs in the US, which enables healthcare providers across Indiana to access patient medical records quickly, securely, and accurately. Since its establishment in 2004, the IHIE has expanded to serving over 19,000 healthcare providers across 90 hospitals and 30,000 practices.

Healthcare Information And Management Systems Society (HIMSS) FAQ

What is the Healthcare Information And Management Systems Society (HIMSS)?

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a global, non-profit organization that focuses on improving healthcare through information technology and management systems. It aims to drive health innovation, education, and research to promote better healthcare outcomes for patients and providers worldwide.

What are the main goals of the HIMSS?

The main goals of the HIMSS include promoting the efficient and effective use of healthcare information technology, fostering the development of IT standards, encouraging the adoption of best practices and providing educational programs and professional development opportunities for its members.

Who can become a member of HIMSS?

HIMSS membership is open to individuals and organizations involved in healthcare information and management systems, including healthcare professionals, IT experts, executives, vendors, consultants, students, and others dedicated to improving healthcare through technology and management systems.

What are some of the benefits of joining HIMSS?

Some of the benefits of joining HIMSS include access to a wide range of educational resources, networking opportunities, discounts on conferences and events, participation in industry committees, and staying updated on the latest healthcare IT trends and developments. Members also have the opportunity to contribute to the society’s policy-making and advocacy efforts.

How can I stay informed about the latest developments in healthcare IT and HIMSS initiatives?

You can stay informed about the latest developments in healthcare IT and HIMSS initiatives by visiting the HIMSS website, following their social media accounts, subscribing to their newsletters, and attending their events and conferences.

Related Technology Terms

  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE)
  • Telemedicine and Telehealth
  • Medical Coding and Billing Systems
  • Healthcare Data Analytics

Sources for More Information


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