


Hijackware, also known as ransomware, is a type of malicious software that infiltrates a user’s device or system and demands payment in exchange for restored access or functionality. Once installed, hijackware encrypts or locks the user’s data, rendering it inaccessible. The attacker then extorts the victim, typically demanding payment in the form of cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key or unlocking tool.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Hijackware” is: hahy-jak-wair

Key Takeaways

  1. Hijackware is a type of malware that compromises a device’s control, and holds data and system access for ransom, often demanding payment for its release.
  2. Potential consequences of a hijackware infection include data loss, compromised personal information, and disruptions in system functionality and performance.
  3. To prevent hijackware attacks, maintain regular software updates, employ strong cybersecurity measures, and avoid opening suspicious files and emails from unknown sources.


The term “hijackware” is important because it refers to a type of malicious software that takes control of a user’s device or system and often demands ransom payment for returning control or restoring access to the impacted data.

Hijackware is a significant threat to technology users, businesses, and even governments, as it exposes them to the risk of cyber extortion, theft of sensitive information, potential financial losses, and damage to their reputation.

It is essential that individuals and organizations understand the implications of hijackware and take necessary precautions to prevent falling victim to hijackware attacks, such as updating software, implementing robust security measures, and raising awareness on identifying and avoiding potential threats.


Hijackware is a malicious type of software that aims to take control of a user’s computer or system, often disrupting the normal operation and extorting the user to meet certain demands. Typically, hijackware operates in the background, undetected by the user until the perpetrator displays a distressing message or renders the system inaccessible. One of the primary purposes of hijackware is to gather sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal data to exploit them for financial gain.

In some cases, attackers may use hijackware to establish a broad network of infected devices, often called botnets, to facilitate large-scale attacks on businesses and organizations. The seriousness of hijackware’s impact on the victims cannot be understated, as users often feel a simultaneous sense of powerlessness and a violation of privacy. The consequences of such attacks are far-reaching, with businesses, consumers, and even governments experiencing significant financial and reputational damages.

As a result, individuals and organizations alike must remain vigilant in their cybersecurity efforts to identify and thwart hijackware threats. This may include strengthening network protections, frequently updating software and operating systems, and investing in robust cybersecurity tools and strategies to minimize the risk of hijackware infection. In doing so, the potential damage inflicted by hijackware will be contained and effectively managed, mitigating the associated risks and empowering users to protect their digital environments.

Examples of Hijackware

Hijackware, also known as ransomware, is a type of malicious software designed to take control of an individual’s or organization’s system and demand payment in exchange for access to the compromised files or systems. Here are three real-world examples of hijackware attacks:

WannaCry Ransomware Attack (2017): In May 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack caused widespread disruption affecting more than 200,000 computers in over 150 countries. The attack targeted organizations running Microsoft Windows operating systems, capitalizing on a vulnerability in the Windows SMB protocol. One of the most high-profile victims was the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, which caused hospital appointments and surgeries to be canceled or delayed.

NotPetya Ransomware Attack (2017): A month after the WannaCry attack, another major ransomware outbreak called NotPetya struck in June

NotPetya primarily targeted systems in Ukraine but quickly spread to other countries. The attack caused considerable disruptions to businesses and infrastructure services, including the Ukrainian government, the radiation monitoring system at Chernobyl, and global shipping company Maersk, amongst others. NotPetya used similar exploits as WannaCry, in addition to a credential-stealing tool, to propagate through networks.

Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack (2021):In May 2021, the Colonial Pipeline, a critical fuel pipeline in the United States, was targeted in a ransomware attack by a cybercriminal group called DarkSide. The attack forced the company to shut down operations temporarily, leading to fuel supply disruptions along the East Coast. In response to the attack, Colonial Pipeline paid a ransom of nearly $5 million to regain access to their systems.

FAQ on Hijackware

What is hijackware?

Hijackware, also known as ransomware, is a type of malicious software that infiltrates a user’s computer or device and takes control, often encrypting important data or restricting access until the user pays a ransom to the attacker.

How does hijackware spread?

Hijackware can spread through various methods, including phishing emails, malicious advertisements, fake software updates, exploits in outdated software, and infected software downloads. Social engineering techniques are often employed to trick users into granting the hijackware the necessary access to their systems.

How can hijackware be detected and prevented?

To detect and prevent hijackware, users should install reputable antivirus software and keep it up-to-date, use strong, unique passwords, and regularly back up their data. It is also essential to stay vigilant and avoid clicking on suspicious links, downloading software from untrusted sources, and opening attachments from unknown senders. Keep all software up-to-date, as hijackware often exploits vulnerabilities in outdated software.

What should be done if a device becomes infected with hijackware?

If a device becomes infected with hijackware, users should not pay the ransom, as there is no guarantee that the attacker will restore access to the user’s data. Instead, report the attack to the appropriate authorities, disconnect the infected device from any networks, and consult with cybersecurity experts, who may be able to provide decryption tools or assistance in recovering from the attack.

How can businesses protect themselves from hijackware?

Businesses should implement a comprehensive security plan that includes regular software updates, employee training on cybersecurity best practices, strong access control policies, and network segmentation. Investing in dependable backup solutions, advanced threat monitoring, and collaborating with cybersecurity professionals can also help businesses prevent hijackware attacks and minimize potential damage.

Related Technology Terms

  • Ransomware
  • Malware
  • Cybersecurity
  • Phishing
  • Encryption

Sources for More Information


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