


An HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tag is a code element used to define the structure and content of a web page. It consists of a keyword enclosed by angle brackets, for example, `

` for a paragraph. HTML tags typically come in pairs, indicating the opening and closing of an element, such as `

` and `



H-T-M-L T-A-GIn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), it would be written as: /ˈeɪʧˈtiːˈɛmˈɛl ˈtiːˈeɪˈʤiː/

Key Takeaways

  1. HTML tags are used to define elements within a webpage and provide structure and meaning to the content.
  2. Each HTML tag is enclosed in angle brackets (< and >) and usually comes in pairs, with an opening and closing tag.
  3. There are various HTML tags for specific purposes, such as <head>, <body>, <p>, and <img>, each serving a different function within the webpage.


The term HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tag is important because it is the fundamental building block of web pages, and plays a crucial role in organizing, formatting, and presenting content on the internet.

HTML tags are used to define elements, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other multimedia, and provide semantic meaning to the content on a page.

By using these tags, web developers can ensure proper display and accessibility of content across different devices and browsers, making it possible for users all around the world to access and consume online information.

Understanding HTML tags is essential for anyone involved in web development, as they are the backbone of creating dynamic, interactive, and engaging digital experiences on the web.


HTML tags serve as the foundation for creating organized and visually appealing web pages. They are essential components of the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) used to build websites, providing structure and design to the webpage content. These tags enable web developers to define various elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and multimedia to be displayed on the website.

HTML tags are also responsible for other crucial aspects of webpage functionality, such as forms and user interactivity. The primary purpose of HTML tags is to instruct a web browser on how to render and display the content appropriately. They surround the content and provide context about the information to the browser.

Each tag consists of a set of specific instructions that dictate the appearance and behavior of the content within it. Moreover, certain tags can contain useful metadata that helps search engines to better understand the structure and relevance of the content. In summary, HTML tags act as essential tools that facilitate proper webpage design, allowing for an organized display of content and smooth navigation, thereby enhancing user experience.

Examples of HTML Tag

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tags are used to structure web pages and define the content in a standardized format. Here are three real-world examples of the technology applied in HTML tags:

Website Navigation Menu:A common usage of HTML tags is to create a website navigation menu. For instance, you can use the