
Human Interface Device


A Human Interface Device (HID) is a type of computer device that directly interacts with, and most often takes input from, humans and translates this data to a device for processing. This term can encompass a wide range of devices like keyboards, mice, game controllers, and more. Additionally, these devices can facilitate both input and output interactions between humans and computers.


The phonetics of the keyword “Human Interface Device” are:- Human: Hyoo-muh n- Interface: In-ter-feys- Device: Di-vahys

Key Takeaways

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  1. Input and Output: Human Interface Devices (HID) primarily facilitate input and output interactions between humans and computers. They cover a broad variety of devices like keyboards, mice, game controllers, and even some sensors.
  2. Standardization: HID is a computer device standard that simplifies the process of connecting input devices to a computer. This standard allows input devices to be automatically recognized and configured upon connection, making the user experience more convenient.
  3. Device Communication: HID devices communicate with the operating system of a computer using reports. These reports contain the data coming from the input device that is then interpreted by the operating system. Different devices will have different report structures depending on their functionality and purpose.

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The technology term “Human Interface Device” (HID) is important because it describes a type of computer device that interacts directly with, and most often takes input from, humans — examples include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and even game controllers. It facilitates efficient communication between these devices and the computer system, enabling diverse functionalities and enhancing user experience. HID is significant as it incorporates universal design principles, making technological devices more accessible and adaptable to a wide range of people, including those with certain impairments. Industry-wise, understanding HID is essential in developing intuitive, user-friendly hardware and components in the tech world.


The term Human Interface Device (HID) refers to a type of computer device that is used specifically for direct input and output communication with a human user. HIDs are an instrumental aspect of human-computer interaction, ensuring that humans can easily and effectively operate computer systems. They encompass a broad spectrum of devices including, but not limited to, keyboards, mice, touch screens, game controllers, and even certain types of virtual reality hardware. The main purpose of HIDs is to allow seamless interaction between a user and a digital platform, enabling the user to send instructions or acquire feedback from the system.Apart from the basic function of providing a means of input and output, HIDs also have the purpose of enhancing user experience through ergonomic design and intuitive user interface (UI). They achieve this wider goal by providing easier, more natural interaction methods that can adapt to a myriad of user needs and limitations. Some HIDs even have the ability to reconfigure themselves dynamically based on the task being performed. Therefore, the impact of HIDs extends beyond simple communication, as they also offer critical value in improving the usability, accessibility, and overall experience of interacting with digital systems.


1. Computer Mouse: The computer mouse is arguably the most prevalent example of a Human Interface Device (HID). The mouse allows individuals to control the cursor on a computer screen and interact with the GUI by clicking, scrolling, or dragging.2. Touch Screens: Touch screens are another common real-world example of HIDs. From smartphones to touch-enabled laptops, these devices allow people to interact with digital information using their fingertips. Gestures like swiping, pinching or tapping activate different commands.3. Virtual Reality Headsets: VR headsets like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or PlayStation VR are sophisticated human interface devices. They track head movements and provide immersive visual feedback that corresponds to user actions. Some also have controllers that track hand movements, translating physical gestures into game actions.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions about the Human Interface Device (HID).Q: What is a Human Interface Device (HID)?A: A Human Interface Device (HID) is a type of computer device that interacts directly with, and most often takes input from, humans and may deliver output to humans. Examples of these devices include keyboards, mice, touch screens, and game controllers.Q: How does the Human Interface Device work?A: HID works by simplifying the process of communicating with devices. It allows the computer to communicate with the device with a universal set of commands. This eliminates the need for device-specific drivers to be installed for each type of hardware.Q: What are the advantages of Human Interface Devices?A: HIDs are beneficial as they provide a standardized approach to interaction with hardware devices. They are designed to simplify the installation process, and they ensure a high level of compatibility among all types of devices.Q: What is a Human Interface Device (HID) class?A: HID class is a part of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification for computer peripherals. Devices in the HID class are able to describe their capabilities to the operating system, thereby enabling a generic driver to handle the device.Q: Can mobile devices be considered Human Interface Devices?A: Yes, aspects of mobile devices can be considered HIDs. For example, the touch screen on a smartphone or tablet interacts directly with users and is thus categorized as an HID.Q: What is the HID protocol?A: The HID protocol is a standard for communication between a device and a host. It uses a structured way to send and receive data, allowing different devices to communicate effectively despite their different design or purpose. Q: What is the difference between a device driver and a Human Interface Device?A: A device driver is a software component that enables a computer’s operating system to interact with a hardware device. An HID, on the other hand, is the hardware device itself that users interact with. The HID communicates with the device driver in the computer’s operating system.

Related Tech Terms

  • User Interface (UI)
  • Input Devices
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  • Hardware Abbstraction
  • Tactile Feedback

Sources for More Information


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