
Hungarian Notation


Hungarian Notation is a naming convention in computer programming, originated by Microsoft, where the name of a variable indicates its type or intended use. For example, a variable storing an integer count might be named “iCount”. This methodology can make code more readable and understandable, by providing details about a variable’s usage directly in its name.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Hungarian Notation” is: /hÊŒnˈɡɛəriÉ™n noʊˈteɪʃən/.

Key Takeaways

<ol> <li>Purpose: Hungarian Notation is a naming convention in computer programming, where a programmer adds a prefix to the name of a variable that indicates its dataType, thus making it easier to understand and maintain the code.</li> <li>Types: There are two types of Hungarian Notation – Systems Hungarian and Apps Hungarian. Systems Hungarian notation prefixes variables with a mnemonic relating to the physical data type, while Apps Hungarian reflects the logical data type.</li> <li>Controversy: Despite its benefits, Hungarian Notation is controversial. Many consider it less readable, especially when having long variable names or when coding in languages where a variable’s type can be easily known without the need for prefixes.</li></ol>


Hungarian Notation is a significant term in technology as it refers to a naming convention for programming variables. Created by Microsoft programmer Charles Simonyi, it denotes variable types with prefixes to their names, making it easier for programmers to understand the kind of data the variables contain or their usage. More than just a naming convention, Hungarian Notation offers certain advantages in terms of code safety, maintainability, and readability, especially in statically typed languages where variable types are defined. By incorporating this naming tradition, programmers can prevent type-related errors, making code debugging more efficient. Thus, Hungarian Notation plays an instrumental role in programming by enhancing clarity and minimizing potential bugs or errors.


Hungarian Notation is a naming convention system for variables, widely used in computer programming, that includes encoding certain information about the variable in its name, such as the type or intended use. This systematic approach for naming, introduced by Microsoft’s Charles Simonyi, seeks to simplify the process of understanding code. Its primary purpose is embedded in its naming scheme, which aims to make the code intuitive and self-descriptive, thereby minimizing the likelihood of potential errors and bugs during coding, debugging and maintenance phases.In practice, Hungarian Notation is quite beneficial in strongly typed languages where variable types cannot be instantly discerned. It provides clear indicators about the attributes of a variable merely by looking at its name, enhancing code readability immensely. For instance, a variable for storing integer values might be named “iCount” where “i” stands for Integer, so a programmer reading the code can immediately understand the type of the variable. As different languages might have different naming guidelines for Hungarian Notation, the approach effectively creates a universal language undertone, allowing a wide range of programmers to comfortably understand and work on the code.


Hungarian notation is a naming convention in computer programming, where the name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. Here are three real-world examples of its use:1. Microsoft Windows API: Hungarian notation was widely used in the Microsoft Windows API. Here, the writers used a form of Hungarian notation to reflect the data type of variables, allowing developers to identify variables’ types more easily. For example, a variable storing a string might be named “pszName”. Here, “psz” is used to denote a zero-terminated string (“P” stands for pointer, “sz” stands for zero-terminated string), and “Name” represents the use of the variable. 2. Visual Basic Programming: In Visual Basic, Hungarian notation is often used to prefix variable names with a lower-case letter denoting the type of the variable. For example, a variable containing a string might be named “sText”, where “s” stands for string and “Text” is the purpose of the variable.3. Industrial Software Development: In the industry, developers sometimes use systems Hungarian notation to denote not just the type, but also the use. For example, in an application involving geometric calculations, a developer might name a variable fRadius or iCount, where “f” stands for float (a real number), i stands for integer, “Radius” denotes that this variable is used for storing radius values and “Count” is used to count elements respectively. This approach helps developers understand the intention and type of a variable at a glance.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Sure! Here is an FAQ for the technology term: Hungarian Notation.**Q1: What is Hungarian Notation?**A1: Hungarian Notation is a naming convention in computer programming where the name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. Developed by Microsoft programmer Charles Simonyi, it adds specific prefixes to variable names.**Q2: What is the purpose of Hungarian Notation?**A2: The purpose of Hungarian Notation is to provide additional contextual information about the variable or function’s intent, usage, and behavior. It helps in code readability and understanding, potentially reducing the chance of errors.**Q3: Can you provide an example of Hungarian Notation?**A3: Yes, for example, if we have an integer variable that stores the age of a person, in Hungarian Notation it can be represented as “iAge.” **Q4: What are the types of Hungarian Notation?**A4: There are two types of Hungarian Notation: Systems Hungarian notation and Apps Hungarian notation. Systems Hungarian includes the variable’s type as a prefix, while Apps Hungarian includes the variable’s logical role.**Q5: Is Hungarian Notation widely used in programming today?**A5: Nowadays, the use of Hungarian Notation is less common. Modern programming environments provide mechanisms to get type information, making the notation redundant. While some developers still find it helpful, especially in large and complex projects, others find it adding unnecessary clutter to the code.**Q6: Is Hungarian Notation language specific?**A6: No, Hungarian Notation is not language specific. It can be used in any programming language, however, its benefits might vary based on the capabilities of the specific language’s development environment.**Q7: What are some criticisms of Hungarian Notation?**A7: Critics of Hungarian Notation argue that it can lead to confusion, especially in languages where variable types can change. They also argue that it can make code harder to read, particularly when variable names get lengthy and when working in teams where everyone may not understand the notation.

Related Tech Terms

  • Variable Naming
  • Type Prefixes
  • Programming Language
  • Code Readability
  • Software Development

Sources for More Information


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