Identity Resolution


Identity resolution refers to the process of analyzing and combining data from various sources to accurately identify and match unique individuals across multiple platforms or datasets. This allows businesses and marketers to have a comprehensive view of user identities, which enables personalized marketing, improved customer experience, and better data-driven decisions. The process may involve connecting offline and online data, as well as resolving discrepancies in personal information, such as multiple email addresses or usernames linked to a single individual.


The phonetic pronunciation for “Identity Resolution” would be:ɪˌdɛn.tɪ.ti rɛz.əˈluː.ʃən

Key Takeaways

  1. Identity Resolution is the process of connecting disparate data points and attributing them to a single, unique individual or entity. This helps organizations gain a holistic understanding of their customers, enabling personalized experiences and targeted marketing.
  2. Successful Identity Resolution relies on the use of advanced technology and techniques such as data aggregation, deduplication, and machine learning algorithms. These tools help accurately identify, link, and consolidate customer data from various sources, leading to better decision-making and customer engagement.
  3. Data privacy and security are crucial in Identity Resolution, as it involves the collection and analysis of sensitive information. Organizations must ensure they’re complying with data protection regulations, obtaining necessary consent, and employing robust security measures to protect the collected data from misuse and unauthorized access.


Identity Resolution is crucial in today’s technology-driven world as it enables businesses and organizations to accurately recognize and understand their customers across various platforms and devices.

By linking disparate data sources and consolidating customer information into a single, comprehensive user profile, companies can enhance their marketing strategies, personalize customer experiences, and improve service delivery.

In addition, identity resolution plays a significant role in bolstering privacy and security measures, as it allows organizations to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring customer trust and regulatory compliance.

Overall, the importance of identity resolution lies in its ability to provide a unified customer view, driving smarter decisions, and fostering seamless interactions and experiences.


Identity Resolution serves the critical purpose of consolidating disparate data sets and information from multiple sources to create a cohesive, singular view of an individual or entity. This technology is highly essential, particularly in marketing, advertising, and customer relationship management domains, as businesses seek to understand and engage with their target audiences more effectively.

Identity Resolution operates by connecting various data points, including online and offline behaviors, device usage, and demographic information, to accurately identify an individual’s digital identity. Through this unified view, businesses can serve personalized content, product recommendations, and offers, thereby enhancing customer experiences and building brand loyalty.

Furthermore, Identity Resolution helps organizations in their data privacy and security initiatives. By streamlining data from multiple touchpoints, it ensures that personal information remains consistent and accurate, empowering businesses to comply with data protection regulations and access controls.

In fraud prevention and risk management, Identity Resolution is employed to discern behavioral patterns, enabling organizations to detect and mitigate fraudulent activities and safeguard legitimate user identities. Overall, it plays a pivotal role in driving customer-centric strategies, ensuring data accountability, and bolstering businesses’ security postures in an increasingly connected world.

Examples of Identity Resolution

Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): Many businesses use CDPs to consolidate customer information from various sources into a single, unified customer profile. Identity resolution technology is essential in this process, as it helps match and merge customer identities from different channels such as email subscriptions, social media, and online purchases. This unified customer profile allows businesses to better understand their customers, target them with personalized marketing campaigns, and improve their overall experience.Example: Segment, a customer data platform, uses identity resolution technology to provide businesses with a 360-degree view of their customers, enabling better decision-making and customer engagement.

Fraud Prevention and Security: Identity resolution technology is used by financial institutions and e-commerce platforms to prevent fraud by confirming the authenticity of customers’ identities. By cross-referencing various data points and sources, this technology can identify inconsistencies or suspicious behavior, ultimately preventing fraudulent transactions from occurring.Example: Experian’s CrossCore platform uses identity resolution to verify customers’ identities by combining traditional data sources, customer behavior data, device intelligence, and other relevant information, ultimately reducing the risk of fraud.

Healthcare Industry: In the healthcare sector, identity resolution technology helps in accurately identifying and matching patients’ records across disparate systems. This ensures that the right records are associated with the right patients, avoiding potentially dangerous mix-ups and enabling the delivery of more personalized care.Example: Imprivata’s Enterprise Patient Identity Management system uses identity resolution technology to accurately match patients with their records, improving the quality, safety, and efficiency of patient care in healthcare organizations.

FAQ: Identity Resolution

What is identity resolution?

Identity resolution is the process of consolidating various data points and identifiers associated with an individual or entity and creating a unified profile. It helps businesses and organizations ensure they have accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information about their customers or users to better understand and engage with them.

Why is identity resolution important?

Identity resolution is important because it enables businesses to gain a holistic view of their customers, enhance personalization, improve marketing strategies, and ensure data privacy compliance. With accurate identity resolution, businesses can optimize customer experiences and boost marketing efficiency, resulting in improved customer retention and increased revenue.

What are the key components of identity resolution?

The key components of identity resolution include data ingestion and unification, data matching and linking, data enrichment, and data activation. These components work together to gather, consolidate, verify, and utilize various data points and identifiers, resolving them into unified profiles to provide valuable customer insights.

What are some challenges in implementing identity resolution?

Some challenges in implementing identity resolution include data fragmentation, data accuracy, cross-device identification, latency, and privacy regulations. Overcoming these challenges requires businesses to have flexible, scalable, and reliable identity resolution solutions that can effectively manage large datasets and adhere to privacy compliance requirements.

How can businesses implement identity resolution?

Businesses can implement identity resolution by following these steps: 1) Assess and understand the organization’s data landscape, including sources, types, and quality of the data. 2) Select an identity resolution solution that meets the organization’s specific needs and requirements. 3) Implement the solution using a phased approach, starting with specific use cases. 4) Regularly monitor, update, and maintain the solution to ensure its effectiveness and relevance with the changing data landscape. 5) Incorporate insights gleaned from identity resolution into marketing, sales, and customer support strategies to enhance the overall customer experience.

Related Technology Terms

  • Data Matching
  • Cross-Device Tracking
  • Single Customer View (SCV)
  • Entity Resolution
  • Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

Sources for More Information


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