Identity Theft


Identity theft is the fraudulent acquisition and use of an individual’s personal information, such as their name, social security number, or credit card details, without their permission. This act is typically carried out by criminals to commit fraud, gain financial benefits, or assume the identity of the victim for various purposes. The consequences of identity theft can include financial losses, damaged credit scores, and personal reputation harm for the affected individual.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Identity Theft” is:/ aɪˈdɛntɪti θɛft /Ih-den-ti-tee theft

Key Takeaways

  1. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud or other criminal activities.
  2. Victims of identity theft can suffer financial losses, damaged credit, and emotional distress.
  3. Protecting yourself against identity theft involves securing your personal information, monitoring your financial accounts, and being cautious about sharing your information online.


The technology term “Identity Theft” is important because it refers to the deliberate and unauthorized act of obtaining someone’s personal information, such as their name, social security number, or banking information, to commit fraud or other illegal activities.

With rapid advancements in technology and the increased reliance on online transactions, the risk of identity theft has grown significantly, making individuals and businesses more vulnerable to financial loss or reputational damage.

Awareness of identity theft is essential to encourage individuals to adopt preventive measures and follow cybersecurity best practices, which ultimately creates a more secure digital environment for everyone.


Identity theft is a malicious act whereby an individual’s personal information, such as social security numbers, addresses, and credit card data, is stolen and used with the intent of conducting fraudulent transactions or activities. This nefarious practice serves multiple purposes, from financial gain and unauthorized access to resources, to damaging the victim’s reputation or even evading criminal liability.

Through identity theft, the perpetrator aims to exploit the stolen information, without the victim’s knowledge or consent, to benefit themselves at the expense of the unsuspecting individual. Given the rapid expansion of digital technology and the internet, instances of identity theft have become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

These digital crimes are committed to gain unauthorized access to bank accounts, take out loans in the victim’s name, receive medical care under their insurance, or even create false employment records. As our online presence becomes more substantial, cybercriminals capitalize on the copious amounts of data available on the internet to generate profit or to shift the blame for criminal activities onto innocent individuals.

This deceitful use of personal information heightens the need for effective countermeasures to curb the potential damage caused by identity theft, including enhanced security systems and continuous vigilance in our digital lives.

Examples of Identity Theft

Phishing Attacks: In 2014, cybercriminals targeted customers of the popular online payment platform, PayPal, with a massive phishing campaign. The attackers sent out emails to millions of people, disguised as PayPal customer support messages. These emails contained links to fake websites designed to imitate PayPal’s platform and asked users to update their personal information, including their financial details. Unsuspecting users who followed these instructions inadvertently provided the hackers access to their accounts, causing significant financial losses.

Anthem Inc. Data Breach: In early 2015, the second-largest health insurer in the United States, Anthem Inc., experienced a massive data breach affecting approximately

8 million individuals. Cybercriminals gained unauthorized access to the company’s IT systems and stole a large amount of personally identifiable information (PII), including names, social security numbers, contact information, and employment details. The stolen information was then used to commit various types of identity theft and fraud, such as filing fraudulent tax returns and obtaining unauthorized loans and credit cards.

Equifax Data Breach: One of the largest data breaches in history occurred in 2017 when hackers infiltrated the systems of the credit reporting agency, Equifax. The cybercriminals accessed the personal data of around 147 million people, including names, social security numbers, birth dates, and driver’s license numbers. The breach had lasting implications for consumers, as the stolen information could be used for various fraudulent activities and identity theft schemes. Equifax paid out a $700 million settlement in response to the breach, with much of the amount going towards helping affected consumers protect themselves from potential identity theft.

Identity Theft FAQ

What is identity theft?

Identity theft is a fraudulent activity where an individual’s personal information, such as Social Security number, credit card information, or other financial data is stolen and used unlawfully for financial gain or other malicious purposes.

How can someone become a victim of identity theft?

A person can become a victim of identity theft through various means, such as phishing emails, data breaches, weak passwords, unsecured internet connections, or physical theft of personal documents, wallets, or electronic devices with sensitive information stored on them.

What are the consequences of identity theft?

Identity theft can have serious consequences for victims, including unauthorized financial transactions, damaged credit scores, being held liable for fraudulent debts, and difficulties obtaining loans or other services. It can also be time-consuming and mentally distressing to resolve the issue and restore one’s reputation.

How can I protect myself from identity theft?

Some effective ways to protect yourself from identity theft include, setting strong and unique passwords, avoiding suspicious emails and websites, monitoring your credit reports and financial accounts, using secure connections, safeguarding your personal documents, and being cautious about sharing your personal information.

What should I do if I suspect I am a victim of identity theft?

If you suspect you are a victim of identity theft, take immediate action by contacting your financial institutions and credit bureaus, placing a fraud alert on your credit reports, filing an identity theft report with law enforcement, and monitoring your accounts closely for unauthorized activities. Additional steps may include contacting the relevant government agencies and seeking professional assistance if necessary.

Related Technology Terms

  • Phishing
  • Two-factor Authentication
  • Data Breach
  • Credit Monitoring
  • Social Engineering

Sources for More Information


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