Industrial Internet


The Industrial Internet, also known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), refers to the integration of industrial machinery, devices, and sensors with the internet and data analytics to enhance and automate various industrial processes. By connecting machines and utilizing real-time data analysis, it improves efficiency, productivity, and reduces operational costs for industries like manufacturing, energy, and transportation. The Industrial Internet aims to modernize traditional industries through digital transformation and promote smart industries.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Industrial Internet” is: in-dəs-ˈtri-əl | ˈin-tər-ˌnet

Key Takeaways

  1. Increased Efficiency: Industrial Internet integrates advanced technologies such as IoT, big data, and AI to optimize the performance of industrial processes, resulting in resource conservation and reduced downtime.
  2. Enhanced Safety and Quality: By incorporating real-time monitoring and predictive analytics, Industrial Internet can identify potential faults and hazards, leading to improved worker safety and superior product quality.
  3. Greater Innovation and Collaboration: Industrial Internet enables a collaborative ecosystem among various stakeholders, fostering innovation in products, services, and business models, and providing a competitive edge for early adopters.


The term “Industrial Internet” is important because it signifies the convergence of industrial systems with the cutting-edge advances in computing, communication, and data analysis.

As a subset of the broader Internet of Things (IoT) concept, the Industrial Internet focuses on specifically enhancing industrial efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.

By integrating smart sensors, machine learning algorithms, and big data analytics into industrial infrastructure and processes, it enables organizations to optimize operations, reduce downtime, improve safety, and conserve resources, making it a critical driving force behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The implementation of the Industrial Internet is transforming industries across the globe, fostering innovation, and creating a more sustainable and economically viable future.


The purpose of the Industrial Internet is to revolutionize the way industries operate by integrating advanced digital technologies with industrial machinery, equipment, and processes. This results in higher efficiency, increased productivity, and improved resource management. The key driving factors behind the Industrial Internet include widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). By connecting a vast array of devices, sensors, and equipment across the industrial spectrum, the Industrial Internet allows data to be collected, analyzed, and acted upon in real-time.

This enables stakeholders to make smarter, data-driven decisions to optimize operations and minimize downtime. Industries as diverse as manufacturing, transportation, energy, healthcare, agriculture, and many others are benefitting from the transformative power of the Industrial Internet, thus contributing to overall economic growth. One of the primary uses of the Industrial Internet is predictive maintenance, which involves monitoring equipment parameters in real-time, analyzing data to detect emerging faults, and alerting operators to take corrective measures before costly failures occur.

This helps to extend the life of critical assets, reduce maintenance costs, and minimize unplanned downtime. Another important application of the Industrial Internet is Digital Twin technology, which involves creating virtual models of real-world industrial systems and using simulation and analytics to optimize their performance. This allows industries to test and validate new processes and designs, significantly reducing the time and expense involved in developing and deploying new solutions.

Further applications include enhancing supply chain management, monitoring and controlling environmental impact and emissions, and improving worker safety. The Industrial Internet is paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient future, where industries can seamlessly adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Examples of Industrial Internet

General Electric (GE) Predix PlatformGeneral Electric’s Predix platform is a prominent example of the Industrial Internet in the real world. It’s an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform, designed to help organizations optimize their industrial operations, improve performance, reduce downtime, and enhance efficiency. The Predix platform connects various industrial equipment, machines, and systems, collecting data and enabling organizations to analyze and optimize their operations through advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms. For example, GE has used this platform to improve the performance of its wind turbines and reduce maintenance costs in power plants.

Siemens MindsphereSiemens Mindsphere is another prominent Industrial Internet application, serving as a cloud-based IIoT operating system. Connecting industrial devices, systems, and machines to the digital world, Mindsphere gathers vast amounts of data that can be exploited to optimize operations and processes, prevent potential equipment failure, and reduce energy consumption. Examples of its real-world applications include monitoring and improving production lines in the automotive industry and optimizing energy consumption in smart buildings.

Rolls-Royce: Smart Engine Maintenance and MonitoringRolls-Royce’s smart engine maintenance and monitoring system showcases a real-world application of the Industrial Internet in the aerospace sector. Rolls-Royce uses various sensors embedded within their aircraft engines to collect performance and environmental data. The data is then transmitted to the ground in real-time, where advanced analytics help identify potential issues, monitor the engine’s health, optimize performance, and reduce maintenance costs. This efficient utilization of the Industrial Internet enables airlines to achieve better operational efficiency and extend the lifespan of their aircraft engines.

Industrial Internet FAQ

What is the Industrial Internet?

The Industrial Internet, also known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), refers to the integration of smart sensors, advanced analytics, and networked devices with industrial machines and systems to enhance efficiency, productivity, and reliability.

What industries can benefit from the Industrial Internet?

Almost all industries can benefit from the Industrial Internet, including manufacturing, agriculture, energy, transportation, healthcare, and more. By harnessing the power of data and analytics, these industries can improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and optimize operations.

What are the advantages of implementing Industrial Internet solutions?

Some of the main benefits of implementing Industrial Internet solutions include improved operational efficiency, reduced downtime and maintenance costs, enhanced safety, increased asset optimization, better decision-making, and new business models.

What are the main components of an Industrial Internet system?

An Industrial Internet system generally consists of smart sensors, communication networks, data storage and analytics tools, as well as industrial control systems and applications.

What are the potential risks and challenges associated with the Industrial Internet?

While the Industrial Internet offers numerous benefits, it also comes with potential risks and challenges, such as data security and privacy concerns, integration of legacy systems, lack of skilled workforce, and need for standardization.

What is the role of big data and analytics in the Industrial Internet?

Big data and analytics play a crucial role in the Industrial Internet by collecting and processing massive amounts of data generated by connected machines and devices. This information, when analyzed, can help businesses make more informed decisions and optimize their processes, ultimately driving higher overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Related Technology Terms

  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
  • Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
  • Smart Factory
  • Big Data Analytics

Sources for More Information


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