


Inheritance, in the context of technology and programming, refers to a feature of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) where a new class (known as a subclass) can be derived from an existing class (the superclass), inheriting its features and attributes. This allows for code reusability and the representation of “is-a-type-of” relationships. The subclass can also add new methods or properties, or modify inherited ones.


The phonetics of the keyword “Inheritance” is /ɪnˈherɪtÉ™ns/.

Key Takeaways

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  1. Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, which allows us to create new classes based on existing ones, reusing and recycling their code to reduce complexity and increase reliability.
  2. Subclasses or derived classes inherit attributes and methods from the superclass or base class. They can also add new attributes and methods or override the inherited ones, allowing us to design a hierarchy of classes that share common characteristics, yet also possess unique features.
  3. Polymorphism, a closely related concept, is often achieved via inheritance. It allows us to treat objects of different subclasses as if they’re instances of the superclass, leading to more flexible and easily maintainable code.

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Inheritance is a critical concept in technology, specifically within object-oriented programming (OOP), because it enables a new class to inherit properties or behaviors from an existing class, thereby promoting reusability and the arrangement of classes in a hierarchical order. The ability to define new classes in terms of existing ones helps in avoiding redundancy, leading to cleaner, more efficient code. By harnessing inheritance, developers can construct classes that are more abstract or specialized, fostering better organization and modularity in software architecture, which in turn simplifies debugging and maintenance. As such, understanding inheritance is vital in leveraging the full advantages of OOP.


Inheritance, in the world of technology and specifically within the domain of object-oriented programming (OOP), plays a vital role in the management and organization of code. The purpose of inheritance is to promote code reusability and maintainability. It allows developers to define new classes in terms of existing ones, thereby reducing redundancy. With inheritance, existing code can be reused with minor changes, saving developers both time and effort. This principle provides an efficient way of organizing related items in a hierarchical structure, which can prove crucial in handling complex, larger software systems.The practical applications of inheritance extend to every type of software design where OOP is implemented. For instance, within the realm of game development, parent classes defining general attributes of game characters can be created, with child classes inheriting these attributes and adding specificity for different types of characters. Similarly, in business software, you might have a general ’employee’ class with attributes like name, id, and salary, and ‘manager’ or ‘engineer’ subclasses which inherit these while adding their own unique properties. Inheritance, by promoting code reusability and enhanced organization, effectively speeds up the development process and paves the way for more efficient and error-free software.


1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): OOP is one of the primary real-world examples where the term inheritance is used extensively. Inheritance is a fundamental principle of OOP where one class inherits properties (methods and fields) from another class. For example, a ‘car’ class can inherit properties and methods from a ‘vehicle’ class since a car is a specific type of vehicle. 2. Website Designs (CSS Inheritance): In web development, especially in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), inheritance is a key feature. Styles defined in a parent element in the DOM (Document Object Model) can be passed down or ‘inherited’ by its child elements. For example, if a font size is determined for a main div, the text elements inside that div would inherit this font size unless specifically given a different one.3. In Biology (Genetic Inheritance): Although not a technology, genetic inheritance in biology follows a similar logic to technological inheritance. Traits of parent organisms are passed down to their offspring through genes – similar to how attributes and methods from parent classes are passed down to child classes in OOP. Genetic algorithm, a search heuristic that is inspired by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural evolution, is a type of technology which mirrors this concept of inheritance in its operation. These algorithms are used to find optimal solutions to optimization and search problems, reflecting the concept of survival of the fittest.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q: What is Inheritance in technology?**A: Inheritance is a principle in object-oriented programming where a new class is created from an existing class. The new class, known as the derived or child class, inherits properties and methods of the parent class.**Q: Why is Inheritance used in programming?**A: Inheritance is used in programming to promote code reusability. It allows programmers to create new classes based on existing ones, thus avoiding repetition of code.**Q: What are different types of Inheritance?**A: The different types of Inheritance include single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance and hybrid inheritance.**Q: Can a child class inherit properties from multiple parent classes?**A: In some programming languages like Python and C++, a child class can inherit properties from multiple parent classes, a concept known as multiple inheritance. However, in languages like Java, multiple inheritances is not supported directly.**Q: What is the difference between Inheritance and Composition?**A: Both inheritance and composition promote code reusability, however, inheritance establishes an “is-a” relationship between classes, whereas composition creates a “has-a” relationship. In composition, a class contains an instance of another class. **Q: How does Inheritance aid in the concept of data hiding and abstraction?**A: Inheritance allows derived classes to inherit the public and protected methods and properties of the base class. Private methods and properties are not inherited. This maintains data encapsulation and abstraction, as the internal implementation of the base class is hidden from the derived classes. **Q: What is the difference between multiple and multilevel inheritance?**A: In multiple inheritance, a class can inherit from multiple classes. On the other hand, in multilevel inheritance, a class can inherit from a base class, which in turn inherits from another base class, creating multiple levels of inheritance.

Related Tech Terms

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Subclass
  • Superclass
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation

Sources for More Information


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