Internet Caller ID


Internet Caller ID is a service that allows users to identify incoming calls by displaying the caller’s information, such as their name and phone number, while they are online. This feature is typically integrated into internet-based communication platforms, such as VoIP systems or instant messaging applications. It helps users to screen calls and avoid unwanted interruptions during their online sessions.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Internet Caller ID” is:In-tər-net Ko-lər Ahy-Dee

Key Takeaways

  1. Internet Caller ID allows users to identify the caller before answering, enabling them to screen and manage incoming calls.
  2. It is easily integrated with VoIP and other online communication platforms, improving user experience and promoting efficient communication.
  3. The technology provides additional security features, such as call blocking or filtering, to protect users from spam and unwanted callers.


The technology term “Internet Caller ID” holds significant importance because it enables users to identify and screen incoming calls while maintaining uninterrupted access to the internet.

This technology, primarily integrated into Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, aids in enhancing communication security, reducing unwanted calls, and improving overall user experience by allowing users to recognize trusted contacts or, conversely, detect potential spam or telemarketing callers.

Furthermore, Internet Caller ID helps businesses and individuals optimize their time management, streamlining communication, and ensuring that users can interact with their network efficiently and confidently.


Internet Caller ID serves as a valuable solution in identifying and managing incoming calls while using the internet. It caters to the need for having a seamless and efficient way to communicate with ease, providing users with instant recognition of the origin and identity of the caller. This technology is particularly useful for businesses and professionals who depend on maintaining constant communication with their clients and partners.

By providing crucial information about the caller – such as name and contact number – it quickly allows users to decide whether to answer, reject, or redirect the call. Moreover, this form of Caller ID offers the convenience of maintaining a call log, enabling users to keep track of their call history and monitor any missed calls effortlessly. In essence, the primary purpose behind Internet Caller ID is to enhance the experience of handling telecommunications in a world that is increasingly connected through the internet.

Considering the rise in spam calls and hoax numbers over the years, the ability to screen incoming calls before answering is crucial for saving time and avoiding potential security risks. Internet Caller IDs not only offer this extra layer of assurance but also allow users to prioritize and efficiently manage their communication. With the integration of this smart and adaptable technology, users can expect a more secure, organized, and stress-free communication experience.

Examples of Internet Caller ID

Internet Caller ID (ICID) technology allows users to screen, identify, and manage incoming calls while being online. The technology was more prevalent during the days when dial-up internet connections were common. Here are three real-world examples:

America Online Call Alert:In the early 2000s, America Online (AOL) offered a service called “AOL Call Alert” to their subscribers. The service allowed users to receive caller ID information on their computer screen while they were connected to the internet through a dial-up connection. Users could see who was calling and even had options to answer the call, send it to voicemail, or block it without disrupting their internet connection.

CallWave Internet Caller ID:CallWave was a popular internet caller ID service that allowed users to receive incoming calls from phone lines while using dial-up modems to access the web. If someone called, they would see the caller’s information appearing on their computer screens similar to the traditional caller ID on a phone. CallWave also allowed users to send the caller to voicemail, play a customized message or listen to the message being left in real-time.

3rd-party Dial-Up Modem Software:Various 3rd-party software applications provided internet caller ID services to users during the dial-up era. Users could download this software and install it on their PCs, configuring the modem to work in conjunction with their caller ID service. When a call was received, the application would display the caller’s details on the computer screen and give options to manage the incoming call. Popular software included PhoneTray, Ascendis Caller ID, and BuzMe.It is essential to note that with the rise of broadband internet, these services have become obsolete. However, many smartphone apps and Voice over IP (VoIP) services now offer similar features like caller ID and call management through internet protocols.

Internet Caller ID FAQ

What is Internet Caller ID?

Internet Caller ID is a service that allows you to identify incoming calls while using the internet. It displays the caller’s name and phone number on your computer or compatible device, enabling you to decide whether to answer the call or not.

How does Internet Caller ID work?

Internet Caller ID works by utilizing your internet connection to receive and display the caller’s information on your screen. It requires a compatible device or software to display the information and typically integrates with your phone line or VoIP service.

What do I need to use Internet Caller ID?

To use Internet Caller ID, you need an internet connection, a compatible device or software, and a compatible phone line or VoIP service that supports Caller ID functionality. An account with an Internet Caller ID provider may also be required.

Can I use Internet Caller ID with any phone service?

Most phone services, including landlines and VoIP services, support Caller ID functionality and should be compatible with Internet Caller ID. However, compatibility may vary depending on your provider and phone system.

How can I set up Internet Caller ID?

To set up Internet Caller ID, first, ensure your phone line or VoIP service supports Caller ID. Then, install the necessary hardware or software on your computer or compatible device. Finally, create an account with an Internet Caller ID provider and configure the service according to the instructions provided.

Is there a cost associated with Internet Caller ID?

Some Internet Caller ID services may charge a subscription fee or a one-time fee for their service. However, there are also free options available. The cost will vary depending on the provider and features offered.

Related Technology Terms

  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
  • Caller ID Spoofing
  • CNAM (Caller Name Delivery)
  • IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
  • SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)

Sources for More Information


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