
ISO-IEC 24821-1


ISO-IEC 24824-1, also known as Fast Infoset, is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It defines a binary encoding format for XML documents, aiming to reduce the size of XML documents and improve the processing efficiency. In essence, Fast Infoset is an alternative to traditional text-based XML representations, enabling more efficient and faster processing of XML data.


The phonetic pronunciation of “ISO-IEC 24821-1” would be:[ ahy es oh – ahy ee see – tuhwen-tee-fawr-eyt-tu-wuhn-wuhn ]Breaking it down:- “ISO” is pronounced as individual letters, being “I” as “ai” (like ‘eye’), “S” as “es” and “O” as “oh”.- “IEC” is also pronounced as individual letters, with “I” as “ai” (like ‘eye’), “E” as “ee” and “C” as “see”.- For the numbers, we say them one at a time: – “2” is “tuhwen” (like ‘twenty’ without the “ty”) – “4” is “fawr” (like ‘four’) – “8” is “eyt” (like ‘eight’) – “2” is “tu” (like ‘two’) – “1” is “wuhn” (like ‘one’) – “1” is “wuhn” again.

Key Takeaways

  1. ISO-IEC 24824-1, also known as Fast Infoset, is an International Standard that defines a high-performance schema-less binary encoding format for XML Information Set. It primarily aims to optimize the storage size and processing time of XML documents.
  2. The standard provides a set of rules for translating XML documents into a compact binary format that is faster to parse and transmit. It achieves this through various encoding techniques, such as tokenizing element and attribute names, string interning, and encoding data types directly in binary.
  3. Fast Infoset is interoperable, meaning that applications and systems using this standard can effectively exchange data with those using regular XML. It is also extensible, allowing for the integration of additional compression techniques and customization to further improve performance and meet specific project requirements.


The technology term ISO-IEC 24821-1 is important because it refers to the international standard for SQL (Structured Query Language), specifically SQL:2023 Part 1: Framework.

This standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), aims to ensure uniformity, quality, and efficiency in database management and manipulation.

By providing a standardized language for accessing and managing relational databases, ISO-IEC 24821-1 facilitates seamless data exchange, application development, and system integration across industries and platforms.

Moreover, adherence to this standard makes it easier for software suppliers, developers, and users to collaborate and maintain consistency in database management systems, ultimately contributing to improved performance and communication in the global technology ecosystem.


ISO-IEC 24824-1, more commonly known as Fast Infoset, is a standard aimed at optimizing the exchange of structured information in computing systems. Developed jointly by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), this technology significantly enhances the efficiency and performance of XML-based data communication across networks.

Its primary purpose is to address the shortcomings commonly associated with XML, such as verbosity, which tends to slow down data processing and transmission. Fast Infoset achieves this objective by employing a compact binary encoding format for XML documents.

This encoding results in reduced document size and consequently faster processing, transmission, and storage. Companies and organizations that heavily rely on XML-based data interchange stand to benefit greatly from ISO-IEC 24824-1.

For instance, web service providers and applications in fields such as healthcare, finance, and logistics can leverage Fast Infoset to minimize latency and improve overall system performance, while still retaining the core benefits and interoperability of XML.

Examples of ISO-IEC 24821-1

ISO-IEC 24821-1, also known as SQL/Temporal or SQL Temporal Standard, is a technology that introduces time-based features into the SQL standard, which is used for managing and querying data in relational databases. This technology helps track changes over time, manage historical data, and perform complex temporal analytical tasks. Here are three real-world examples:

Financial Institutions: Banks and financial service providers need to track and maintain the historical account balances, transactions, and credit score changes for compliance and analytical purposes. The SQL/Temporal standard allows financial institutions to maintain and access this historical data easily and efficiently. They can use this technology to analyze market trends, account and balance history, and customer behavior.

Healthcare Systems: Healthcare institutions, hospitals, and clinics need to manage and store patient medical records, prescriptions, treatment history, and appointment scheduling. SQL/Temporal allows these institutions to track changes in these records over time, providing an accurate and timely history of a patient’s medical data. This helps professionals make informed medical decisions and ensure regulatory compliance.

Supply Chain Management: Retailers, manufacturers, and distributors use SQL/Temporal to maintain and analyze historical data related to product inventory, order history, supplier data, and customer information. With the time-based features of ISO-IEC 24821-1, supply chain managers can optimize stock levels, assess demand trends, and analyze historical supplier performance to improve business operations and minimize costs.

FAQs: ISO-IEC 24821-1

What is ISO-IEC 24821-1?

ISO-IEC 24821-1 is an international standard that provides guidance and conformance requirements for the specification and management of persistent identifiers for digital objects and related information. This standard helps organizations maintain the integrity and accessibility of digital resources over time, ensuring that these resources can be consistently and accurately identified and retrieved.

Who can benefit from implementing ISO-IEC 24821-1?

Organizations and individuals responsible for digital asset management, such as publishers, libraries, and archivists, can benefit from implementing ISO-IEC 24821-1. This can include organizations and individuals working with digital resources such as documents, multimedia files, datasets, and more.

What are the key components of ISO-IEC 24821-1?

The key components of ISO-IEC 24821-1 include the specification of persistent identifiers, the management of these identifiers, and conformance requirements for organizations and individuals implementing the standard. This involves creating, maintaining, displaying, and resolving persistent identifiers for digital objects, as well as managing the associated metadata and services.

How does ISO-IEC 24821-1 support digital preservation and accessibility?

ISO-IEC 24821-1 supports digital preservation and accessibility by providing a structure for the consistent and accurate identification of digital objects over time. This ensures that digital resources can be reliably accessed and located in the future, even as technologies change or resources are migrated to new systems. By adhering to this standard, organizations can contribute to the long-term preservation and accessibility of digital resources.

How can an organization become ISO-IEC 24821-1 compliant?

An organization can become ISO-IEC 24821-1 compliant by implementing the standard’s requirements for persistent identifier specifications, management, and conformance. This may involve developing new systems and processes, updating existing systems to be compatible with the standard, and providing staff training. Detailed information about the specific requirements of the standard can be obtained from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Related Technology Terms

  • Information technology – SQL Multimedia and Application Packages
  • Database management systems – SQL
  • SQL/MM Part 1: Framework (SQL/MM-FW)
  • ISO-IEC 9075 – International Standards for Structured Query Language
  • Data manipulation – SQL extension modules

Sources for More Information


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