
JavaServer Pages


JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology used for building web-based applications. It allows developers to embed Java code directly into HTML and XML files, facilitating the creation of dynamic, database-driven websites. JSP is part of the Java platform and works in conjunction with Java Servlets to handle server-side programming.


The phonetics of the keyword: JavaServer Pages is: “jah-vuh-sur-vur pey-juhz”

Key Takeaways

Three Main Takeaways about JavaServer Pages

  1. Dynamic Web Content – JavaServer Pages, also known as JSP, is a server-side technology specifically used for creating dynamic web pages. It is a high-level extension of servlets that can be understood as a special type of servlet that is fully equipped with a capability of creating a response in the form of a web page.
  2. Easy to Use – JSP is built around the Java programming language, which is a well-established and widely used programming language. This means, if you already know Java, you can easily learn and use JSP. Moreover, JSP allows web designers and developers to work together easily – designers can focus on HTML and CSS code while developers can focus on writing Java code.
  3. Powerful & Versatile – JSP pages can use all the powerful Java APIs, including JDBC API for database access, JNDI API for lookup and discovery, JTA API for distributed transactions, and more. Plus, it supports custom tags, enabling you to build reusable components and reducing the amount of Java code needed in a web page.


JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology that plays a pivotal role in the domain of web application development. It’s significant as it enables software developers to dynamically generate HTML, XML, or other types of documents in response to a web client request. Developed by Sun Microsystems, JSP is similar to PHP, but it uses the Java programming language. With JSP, developers can easily develop robust and platform-independent web-based applications as it combines Java servlets, HTML codes, XML tags, and scriptlets. It also promises a well-defined structure for web development using the MVC (Model, Viewer, Controller) architecture. Hence, JSP is an effective and widely-used technology for server-side programming to create efficient, portable, and secure web applications.


JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology used primarily in the development of web-based applications. Its main purpose is to provide a simplified, fast approach to create dynamic web content. This technology is particularly beneficial because it makes it possible for web developers and designers to rapidly build and maintain information-rich, dynamic web pages that leverage existing business systems.JSP achieves this through the use of Java as its foundational language, which is both powerful and flexible. Developers can embed Java code directly into their HTML pages, which the server then processes to deliver a largely HTML web page built based on the logic in the JSP. This means JSP is used for building interactive web applications that can handle all types of user requests, ranging from simple queries to complex systems with dynamic content updates. Therefore, the true power of using JSP is its ability to handle significant user interaction within a web application while maintaining simplicity and efficiency in design and implementation.


1. E-commerce Websites: Many online shopping websites such as eBay use JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology for their operations. These websites require dynamic content generation based on user input and preferences, and that’s where JSP offers great advantages with its ability to interact with the backend database effectively.2. Banking Systems: Banks use JSP for developing their online banking solutions. JSP facilitates secure transactions, allowing customers to check their balance, transfer money, and perform other banking activities. For example, HDFC Bank of India uses JSP for their online banking portal.3. Educational Portals: Websites like Coursera rely on JSP to provide interactive and dynamic e-learning solutions. Such platforms utilize JSP to create personalized user interfaces depending on various factors like user progress, enrolled courses, and suggested content.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What are JavaServer Pages (JSP)?**A1: JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a technology for developing web pages. These support dynamic content, which aids in designing customized views for clients in a server-based application.**Q2: How does JSP work?**A2: JSP allows embedding of Java code directly within the HTML, which the JSP compiler then translates into a servlet. When requested by a client, this servlet is loaded by the server to build the page before sending the response back to the client.**Q3: What are the advantages of using JSP?**A3: Some advantages of JSP are the simplicity of mixing static HTML with dynamically-generated content, the efficiency of the process (the first request is slowest due to translation and response compilation, but subsequent calls are much faster), and the ability for pages to call Java components to perform complex processing behind the scenes before displaying any output.**Q4: What is the primary difference between JSP and Servlets?**A4: JSP and Servlets are both used to create dynamic web content. However, JSP is primarily used for the view in MVC architecture, allowing you to write the presentation logic. On the other hand, Servlets are mainly used for controlling a flow of an application and encapsulating business logic.**Q5: What skills do I need to develop a web application using JSP?**A5: To create a web application using JSP, you’ll need a solid understanding of Java, HTML, CSS, and a basic understanding of SQL. Understanding how HTTP and web servers work is also beneficial.**Q6: Is JavaServer Pages technology outdated?**A6: While JSP still has its place in the development world and is still used in legacy systems, newer technologies like Node.js, React, and AngularJS have become more popular for web development. However, JSP’s integration with Java makes it an important tool for Java web developers.**Q7: Can JSP pages access databases?**A7: Yes, JSP pages can interact with databases. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is typically used to interact with a database in JSP.

Related Tech Terms

  • Scriptlets
  • JSP Directives
  • JSP Actions
  • JavaBeans Component
  • Servlets

Sources for More Information


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