

In a technological context, Jigsaw is a module system in Java 9 and beyond that allows developers to specify and control the dependencies between different parts of their application. It divides the JDK into a collection of modules that can be combined as needed. This improves performance, security, and maintainability.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Jigsaw” is: “Jig-saw”. In the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), it would be written as /ˈdʒɪɡsɔː/.

Key Takeaways

  1. Jigsaw is a technology incubator developed by Google. Originating as Google Ideas in 2010), it became a standalone subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. in 2016.
  2. It focuses on using technology to tackle global security challenges. It works on a variety of topics such as online censorship, digital attacks, and violent extremism.
  3. Jigsaw builds and runs technology to confront these issues, and collaborates with others who share this mission. It uses research and product testing to identify and understand these threats, and then uses innovative technology to combat them.


Jigsaw is notably significant in technology, specifically in the realm of software development, as it represents a project name for a module system introduced by Java 9. The intention of Project Jigsaw was to design and implement a standard module system for the Java SE Platform and to apply that system to the Platform itself and to the JDK. Jigsaw’s modularization makes Java applications lightweight, secure, and scalable. This can solve issues related to monolithic jars, where all dependencies are packaged in a single jar, making them complex and less secure. It promotes higher productivity and performance by reducing classpath problems and making the java platform easily scalable. This architectural style is crucial for complex system design and software development, optimizing code management in the long run.


The technology term Jigsaw primarily refers to a tool in educational technology, originally developed under the ambit of Google for Education. Its purpose is to augment collaborative learning and encourage students to delve deeper into subject matter by splitting them into groups, where each member becomes an expert in a specific area or part of the overall topic. The “pieces” of knowledge that each member acquires are similar to the individual pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; hence the term ‘Jigsaw’ has been used.In a Jigsaw setup, the purpose is to foster interdependence, cooperation, and teamwork among students. Each student is responsible for their piece of the puzzle and must teach it to the other members of their group. This way, every participant actively learns about all the areas of the subject matter, since each student’s understanding of the overall topic depends partly on the others. This collaborative teaching-learning model helps in increasing engagement, understanding of the subject, enhancing teamwork, and imparting a sense of responsibility amongst students.


1. Jigsaw Classroom Software: This is a digital learning platform used in the educational sector that allows teachers to create interactive and dynamic learning experiences. It provides features such as video conferencing, digital whiteboards, real-time polling, and breakout groups. It supports collaborative learning and encourages student engagement. 2. Jigsaw Ransomware: This is a type of malicious software named for its identification with the Jigsaw character from the movie franchise Saw. Once downloaded onto a victim’s machine, typically via a deceptive link, it encrypts all of the victim’s files and demands a ransom to unlock them. If the ransom is not paid in time, the software starts deleting files at increasing intervals.3. Jigsaw by Google: Jigsaw (before known as Google Ideas) is a technology incubator created by Google. It’s aimed at tackling global security challenges such as digital threats, disinformation, toxic comments, violent extremism, and more through the deployment of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other technologies. Their projects include “Perspective”, which uses AI to moderate online conversation and combat harassment; and “Project Shield”, which protects news sites from DDoS attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is Jigsaw in the context of technology?A: Jigsaw in technology refers to project Jigsaw, a significant enhancement in Java 9, which introduced the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) to make Java more scalable, improve performance, security, and maintainability.Q: What is the main purpose of Jigsaw?A: The main purpose of Jigsaw is to construct and maintain large applications more efficiently, while improving performance, security and maintainability. It also aims to make Java easier to scale down to small computing devices. Q: What does Project Jigsaw help to modularize?A: Project Jigsaw helps to modularize the Java Development Kit (JDK) itself, along with user applications. It allows for an organized system where various components (modules) can interact seamlessly.Q: What is the Java Platform Module System (JPMS)?A: The JPMS is the name given to the system introduced by Jigsaw. It is used to describe, group, and interact between different parts of a Java application. These parts, also known as modules, can have strict rules dictating their interaction which helps improve application security and maintainability. Q: Is Project Jigsaw relevant for earlier Java versions?A: No, Project Jigsaw is specific to Java 9 and later versions. It is a major enhancement in Java 9 that restructures the JDK according to the Java Platform Module System (JPMS).Q: Does Project Jigsaw permit cyclic dependencies between modules?A: No, one of the key rules of Project Jigsaw is that it doesn’t allow cyclic dependencies between modules. This helps to reduce complexity and increase maintainability.Q: Can third-party libraries be used as modules in Project Jigsaw?A: Yes, third-party libraries can be modularized and used within the system set up by Project Jigsaw. Q: How does Project Jigsaw contribute to improved performance?A: Project Jigsaw allows for improved performance through more efficient loading of classes and resources that are required by your application. This leads to faster startup times. In addition, with modularity, developers can include only those parts of the JDK that their application requires, leading to smaller, more optimized applications.Q: How does Project Jigsaw impact Java developers? A: Project Jigsaw brings in the concept of modularity to Java. This means that Java developers should now think in terms of modules while designing and coding their applications. It also helps them improve the efficiency, security, and performance of their applications.

Related Tech Terms

  • Collaborative Learning
  • Learning Modules
  • Student-led Learning
  • Cooperative Education
  • Educational Puzzles

Sources for More Information


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