Kryder’s Law


Kryder’s Law is a prediction that refers to the pace of advancement in hard drive storage technology. It states that storage density, or the amount of data that can be stored in a given space, will double approximately every 18 months. Named after Mark Kryder, former CTO of Seagate Technology, it is similar to the better-known Moore’s Law that applies to semiconductor technology.


Kryder’s Law in phonetics can be pronounced as: “Kraɪdərz Lɔː”.

Key Takeaways

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  1. Kryder’s Law, named after Mark Kryder, stipulates that the storage density or the amount of data a hard drive can hold, doubles approximately every 18 months to two years. It’s seen as an equivalent to Moore’s Law but for data storage.
  2. Kryder’s Law has had significant influences in shaping today’s digital world, contributing to reduced costs and increased capacities for data storage. This has allowed for the development of data-heavy technologies such as cloud computing, big data analysis, and multimedia applications.
  3. However, there is a growing belief that Kryder’s Law may be slowing down, as increasingly complex technological breakthroughs are required to continue the rapid pace of increase in storage density.

“`This will create an ordered list (numbered) of the three main takeaways about Kryder’s Law.


Kryder’s Law is significant in technology as it predicts the pace at which data storage density on hard disk drives improves over time. Named after Mark Kryder, the former senior VP of research at Seagate Technology, the law states that the density of information on a hard drive would double every year. This exponential growth forecast has remained roughly accurate since the inception of the law in the early 2000s and has enabled the expansion of data-intensive applications and industries, as increasing storage capacity allows for more complex computations and larger datasets. However, the implications of Kryder’s Law also imply technological, economic, and environmental challenges as the need for data storage continues to grow, necessitating constant innovation and sustainability measures in data storage technology.


Kryder’s Law, inspired by Moore’s Law, is a principle in the technology industry that predicts the growth rate of data storage density. Proposed by Mark Kryder and his colleague, this law observes the rapid advancement in the field of storage technology, particularly hard disk drives and spintronic memory. It essentially refers to the exponential increase in the amount of data that can be stored on a disk for the same cost. Therefore, the purpose of this law is to depict the progress and direction of storage technology evolution trends, highlighting the relentless growth in storage capacity.The use and implications of Kryder’s Law stretch beyond the realm of data storage technology. The ability to store growing amounts of data on compact, cost-effective devices has revolutionary effects across numerous sectors, from information technology and telecommunications to entertainment and healthcare. By enabling the massive storage and quick retrieval of data, Kryder’s Law supports the power of big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning as these fields rely heavily on the availability and handling of large quantities of information. Understanding this law is fundamental for industries to plan and strategize their digital capabilities and data management solutions.


Kryder’s Law primarily refers to the rate at which data storage density on hard disk drives increases, typically doubling approximately every 18 months. Here are three real-world examples demonstrating this principle:1. Evolution of Hard Disk Drives: Decades ago, hard disk drives had capacities measured in megabytes. According to Kryder’s Law, there has been exponential growth in storage capabilities, resulting in household drives today that can store several terabytes of data. 2. The Cost of Storage: Kryder’s Law not just predicts the growth of storage capacities, but also implies that the cost per gigabyte will decrease over time. This prediction holds with the real-world example of falling costs. Years ago, storing a terabyte of data could cost thousands of dollars, but now, hard disk drives with several terabytes can be bought for just a few hundred dollars.3. The Expansion of Cloud Storage: Mega-corporations like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft offer large (and ever-increasing) amounts of cloud storage space for individuals and businesses. This increase aligns with Kryder’s Law’s predictions and is powered by advancements in hard disk technology that allow for larger data centers.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is Kryder’s Law? A: Kryder’s Law is a prognosticating prediction in the technology industry that the density of data that can be stored in magnetic storage devices will double roughly every year. It’s a principle similar to Moore’s Law but specifically refers to digital storage and was named after Dr. Mark Kryder, a renowned scientist in the field of magnetic storage.Q: Who is Mark Kryder? A: Mark Kryder is a scientist well-known for his contribution to the field of magnetic storage. He served as the former senior vice president of research and chief technology officer at Seagate Technologies.Q: What is the significance of Kryder’s Law in the technology field?A: Kryder’s Law is significant because it helps to predict progress in the amount of data that can be stored digitally. An accurate understanding and anticipation of data storage trends can direct investment and development decisions in the digital storage industry.Q: Is Kryder’s Law still accurate? A: Although Kryder’s Law held true for many years, the rate of growth in magnetic storage density has slowed down considerably in recent years. Various technical challenges have made it difficult to maintain the rate of doubling storage capacity yearly.Q: How is Kryder’s Law different from Moore’s Law?A: While both laws deal with technological advancements and improvement rates, they refer to different aspects. Moore’s Law applies to the doubling of the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit approximately every two years, essentially impacting processing power. Kryder’s Law, in contrast, is about the yearly doubling of storage capacity in magnetic disks.Q: Are there any potential implications if Kryder’s Law continues to slow down?A: Yes, digital data is growing at an enormous pace and if the storage industry is unable to keep up, it could lead to increased storage costs. There could be other implications too, like the need for more efficient data compression and processing methods. Q: What industries are directly influenced by Kryder’s Law?A: Industries that generate or rely on massive volumes of digital data are directly influenced by Kryder’s Law. This includes the technology sector, healthcare, finance, media and entertainment, and more. As data generation grows, so does the need for efficient and expanded storage capacities.

Related Tech Terms

  • Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
  • Magnetic Storage
  • Data Density
  • Moore’s Law
  • Storage Capacity Growth

Sources for More Information


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