Linux Mobile Foundation


The Linux Mobile Foundation, also known as LiMo Foundation, was a consortium dedicated to creating an open and globally consistent software platform for mobile devices using the Linux operating system. The foundation aimed to lower development costs, increase flexibility for developers, and create richer experiences for users. However, LiMo has been replaced by Tizen Association, focusing on developing the Tizen platform.


The phonetic pronunciation for “Linux Mobile Foundation” would be:Linux: LEE-nuhksMobile: MOH-buhlFoundation: foun-DAY-shun

Key Takeaways

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  1. Linux Mobile Foundation is a platform that provides robust and secure solutions for mobile applications development and management, leveraging the power and flexibility of Linux.
  2. It allows for the creation of cross-platform mobile applications, providing developers with a wide range of tools and libraries for creating, testing, and deploying applications on various devices and operating systems.
  3. With the Linux Mobile Foundation, you benefit from a wide community of developers, open-source resources, and a cost-effective and highly customizable platform for all your mobile app needs.



The Linux Mobile Foundation, also known as LiMo Foundation, is significant because it is a consortium dedicated to creating an open and globally consistent software platform for mobile devices. By support from major companies in the tech industry, the foundation aims to amalgamate the largely fragmented Linux-based mobile platforms. It emphasizes on creating a unified and flexible Linux-based operating system that simultaneously drives lower development costs and increased efficiency. This not only promotes innovation by providing a robust and flexible framework for developers but also gives users a wider variety of applications and services. It showcases the adaptability and wide-ranging potential of Linux in the burgeoning field of mobile technology.


The Linux Mobile Foundation, also known as LiMo Foundation, was a not-for-profit organization developed to promote the use of Linux in mobile devices. The core purpose of this consortium was to create an open, Linux-based software platform for use by the whole global industry to produce mobile devices. This endeavor was about bringing together industry players to collaboratively deliver a platform and to create an ecosystem encouraging wider adoption of this technology.One of the fundamental uses of the Linux Mobile Foundation was to establish a unified approach to mobile software development and to minimize the inconsistency of Linux mobile operating systems. The LiMo Foundation sought to alleviate fragmentation in the mobile market by delivering a standardized, open and independently governed software platform that allowed device manufacturers, mobile network operators, and developers to innovative and create differentiated user-experiences. This collaborative project meant to offer consumers more choice and stimulated greater competition and innovation in the mobile handset market.


The term “Linux Mobile Foundation”, commonly referred to as “LiMo Foundation”, was a non-profit technology consortium designed to develop an open and globally consistent software platform based on Linux for use by the whole mobile industry. It was officially disbanded in 2012. Here are three examples related to the LiMo Foundation:1. Samsung ‘Rokea’ R910: Samsung Rokea R910 was one of the smartphones that utilized a Linux operating system developed under the guidance of the LiMo Foundation. This device was developed to optimize the open-source benefits of Linux, improving overall user experience with a more intuitive interface. 2. Panasonic Mobile Communications: Panasonic was one of the founding members of the LiMo Foundation and participated actively in developing mobile phones based on Linux operating system. They aimed to utilize collective knowledge to reduce duplication and drive a richer mobile experience for consumers.3. NEC and NTT DoCoMo joint project: NEC and NTT Docomo, other active members of the foundation, collaborated in developing prototype devices such as the ‘N905i’ and ‘N905iμ’ models, which ran on a Linux operating system standardized by the LiMo Foundation, to explore the possibility of next-level performance and user experience.It’s worth noting that the LiMo Foundation’s work eventually evolved into what we now know as Tizen, an open-source, Linux-based system utilized notably by Samsung in their smart TVs and wearables.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is the Linux Mobile Foundation?A: The Linux Mobile Foundation, often referred to as LiMo, is an operating system for mobile devices that is based on the Linux kernel. It was designed to create an open and global standard for handheld mobile devices.Q: Who developed the Linux Mobile Foundation?A: The Linux Mobile Foundation was developed by the LiMo Foundation, a consortium of technology companies including Motorola, NEC, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic Mobile Communications, Samsung Electronics, and Vodafone.Q: How is Linux Mobile Foundation different from other mobile operating systems?A: Linux Mobile Foundation is open-source, which means it permits developers to freely modify and distribute the software. This is a departure from the proprietary nature of many other mobile operating systems.Q: What kind of devices use Linux Mobile Foundation?A: While initially used for smartphones, LiMo has expanded its reach to a range of devices including tablets, smart TVs, in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems, and wearable technology.Q: How can one get the Linux Mobile Foundation on their device?A: Getting LiMo on your device can be a bit technical and usually involves flashing your device’s firmware. It’s advisable to follow a trusted guide or consult with a professional to ensure it’s done correctly and doesn’t harm your device in the process.Q: Is software development for the Linux Mobile Foundation accessible to independent developers?A: Yes, since Linux Mobile Foundation is open source, independent developers can develop software for devices running on this platform.Q: How does the Linux Mobile Foundation ensure security and privacy?A: Linux systems are often considered safer due to stringent controls and the open-source nature which allows a global community of developers to find and fix any vulnerabilities. Linux Mobile Foundation also employs similar tactics, utilizing permission-based security model and sandboxing apps to limit access to the rest of the device.Q: What are some of the challenges of using Linux Mobile Foundation?A: While the open-source nature provides increased flexibility, it can also create fragmentation and compatibility issues. Additionally, Linux systems may be less user-friendly to those accustomed to more mainstream mobile operating systems. Q: Are there any costs associated with using Linux Mobile Foundation?A: No, the Linux Mobile Foundation is free to use and modify. However, there might be costs associated with certain third-party applications or services.

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  • WebOS
  • Plasma Mobile

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