Logic Bomb


A Logic Bomb is a type of malicious software (malware) that gets triggered by a specific event or condition. Once these conditions are met, the logic bomb delivers its payload, which typically involves harmful or destructive actions to the system. Logic bombs are often embedded within existing legitimate software and remain unnoticed until activated.


The phonetics of “Logic Bomb” is: ˈlä-jik bäm

Key Takeaways

  1. A Logic Bomb is a piece of malicious code that is intentionally inserted into software and triggered by specific events or conditions. It lays dormant until the specific conditions are met.
  2. Logic Bombs can result in serious consequences, including the deletion of data, crashes, or overall performance issues on the infected system. They can be utilized by both external hackers and disgruntled employees.
  3. Prevention measures include regular security updates, use of reliable antivirus software, and practicing good cybersecurity hygiene such as not opening suspicious emails or links, and regularly backing up important data.


A Logic Bomb refers to a piece of code intentionally inserted into a software system that will set off a malicious function when specific conditions are met. The importance of this term in technology lies in its potential impact on cybersecurity. Logic Bombs can cause significant damage when triggered; they can delete data, cause system shutdowns or even initiate more nefarious actions such as releasing viruses or other malicious code. Understanding and being aware of Logic Bombs is crucial in the field of cybersecurity, as it helps to identify potential threats and create protective measures against them. This term also highlights the importance of ethical coding practices and the ongoing need for vigilance and proactive action in safeguarding digital information and systems.


A Logic Bomb is a type of malicious software (malware) which lays dormant within a system until specific conditions are met. The purpose of a Logic Bomb is typically destructive, aimed to create havoc within the target system once triggered. Its activation relies on a trigger event which could range from a specific date or time, or the launch of a particular program to a certain user activity. Upon such an event, the Logic Bomb ‘explodes,’ unleashing its destructive capacity, which may manifest in erasing data, corrupting files, or slowing down systems to a halt.While its primary use is linked to causing harm, often for revenge, sabotage, or blackmail purposes, a Logic Bomb could, paradoxically, be used for benign purposes also. For instance, software developers may plant a Logic Bomb in their code to demonstrate the indispensable nature of their services or to seek job security. They act as a ‘kill switch’ capable of terminating or crippling a software’s operation if the developer’s engagement is abruptly ended. However, due to the inherent negative implications of their use, Logic Bombs are generally associated with cybercrime and are highly unethical and usually illegal. For this reason, robust security protocols are deployed to detect and neutralize such threatening aspects.


1. Siemens Stuxnet Attack, 2010: In arguably one of the most famous examples of a logic bomb, the Stuxnet worm was designed to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. It used a logic bomb to make specific machinery operate in a way that would damage the equipment, but not so blatantly that it would be immediately obvious to operators. The damage took place gradually over time to avoid detection.2. UBS Logic Bomb, 2006: A logic bomb was planted by a former systems administrator at UBS PaineWebber. Roger Duronio was disgruntled after receiving a smaller bonus than expected. He created and triggered a logic bomb that deleted all the files in about 2,000 of the firm’s approximately 370,000 computer servers. He was sentenced to eight years in prison.3. Samsung TV Logic Bomb, 2017: On certain models of Samsung TVs, a logic bomb was discovered where the TVs were programmed to reboot every few minutes after running for a certain number of hours. The firmware was designed to do this after the TV had been on for exactly 1,200 hours. This created a lot of dissatisfaction among the customers.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

**Q1: What is a Logic Bomb in technology?**A1: A Logic Bomb in technology refers to a piece of code intentionally injected into software to execute a malicious function when certain conditions are met.**Q2: How does a Logic Bomb work?**A2: A Logic Bomb lies dormant until a predefined condition is met, such as a change in a file or a particular date and time. Once these conditions are met, it triggers the malicious function.**Q3: Who typically uses Logic Bombs?**A3: Typically, Logic Bombs are implemented by individuals with malicious intent, often hackers or disgruntled employees seeking to cause harm to a system or network.**Q4: How can a Logic Bomb be detected?**A4: Detecting a Logic Bomb can be challenging due to its dormant nature, but routine system and software audits, regular checks of system anomalies, and usage of up-to-date antivirus software can help.**Q5: How can one prevent a Logic Bomb attack?**A5: Preventive measures include regularly updating and patching software, thorough scrutiny of any code changes, employing reliable security systems, and restricting unauthorized access to the software systems.**Q6: Is a Logic Bomb the same as a Trojan?**A6: No, a Logic Bomb and a Trojan are different. Though both are types of malicious software, a Trojan tricks users into running it by pretending to be a legitimate program, while a Logic Bomb is a piece of code embedded in legitimate software that triggers malicious activity when specific conditions are met.**Q7: What kind of damage can a Logic Bomb cause?**A7: A Logic Bomb can cause significant damage depending on its programming – from deleting data, slowing system operations, crashing systems altogether, to initiating more extensive network attacks. **Q8: Can a Logic Bomb spread like a virus or worm?**A8: While a Logic Bomb can be part of a virus or worm, in its pure form, it doesn’t replicate or spread to other systems – it simply waits in the system in which it was implanted until its trigger condition is met.

Related Tech Terms

  • Malware
  • Trojan horse
  • Code Injection
  • Volume Testing
  • Computer Security

Sources for More Information


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