


Moby is an open-source project created by Docker, Inc., aimed at developing a flexible and modular containerization platform for developers and system administrators. It provides a framework for assembling specialized container systems, using various components such as containerd, runc, swarm, and others. Essentially, Moby acts as a foundation upon which customized container solutions can be built to meet specific needs.

Key Takeaways

  1. Moby is an open-source project led by Docker, aimed at providing a set of reusable components for building container-based systems.
  2. The Moby project serves as the foundation for the Docker software, promoting flexibility and extensibility to accommodate the diverse needs of users and developers.
  3. By embracing collaboration and shared innovation, Moby helps advance container technology and fosters an active ecosystem of contributors and users.


The term “Moby” is significant in the technology world because it refers to a pivotal open-source project that provides a framework for the development of containerized applications.

Launched in 2017 by Docker, an industry-leading container platform, Moby aids developers and system administrators in building, packaging, and managing containerized components with modularity, flexibility, and ease.

The project offers a rich ecosystem of tools, libraries, and standardized interfaces, fostering collaboration among developers and accelerating innovation within the containerization domain.

Ultimately, Moby plays an essential role in advancing the adoption of container-centric workflows and cloud-native application development, thus enabling organizations to efficiently create, deploy, and manage modern applications at scale.


Moby is an open-source project which aims to provide a collaborative platform for developing containerized applications efficiently and effectively. This project was created by Docker Inc., with the purpose of building a comprehensive framework that encompasses a wide array of tools, services, and components widely used by the containerization community.

The primary objective of Moby is to enable developers, system administrators, and organizations to easily build and share their custom container-based systems, as well as experiment rapidly with new and innovative ideas in container technology. One of the key characteristics of Moby is its “Lego-like” approach to assembling container systems.

This flexible and modular design allows users to pick and choose from different features, components, and tools based on their specific needs, and easily combine them together to create a personalized solution. Moby Project is responsible for providing the building blocks that can be assembled in various ways, including container runtimes, orchestration frameworks, and networking tools, among others.

As a result, Moby contributes to fostering innovation, collaboration, and creativity for the advancement of containerization, thus shaping the future of software deployment and management.

Examples of Moby

The term “Moby” usually refers to Moby Project, an open-source project created by Docker, Inc. Moby provides a framework for assembling specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel. Here are three real-world examples of how Moby is used:

Docker Engine: Docker Engine is a containerization platform developed by Docker, Inc. It utilizes the Moby framework to create, deploy, and manage containers. As the core product of Docker, it is a prime example of Moby’s capabilities and flexibility.

LinuxKit: LinuxKit is a toolkit developed by Docker for building secure, portable, and lean operating systems for containerized applications. It utilizes Moby to compose a minimal Linux distribution with just enough components to run containers effectively, making it a lightweight and secure solution for container deployment.

IoT Edge Device Deployment: Moby can be used to create custom container systems for resource-constrained devices, such as IoT edge devices. Businesses developing IoT solutions can leverage Moby to create lightweight and secure container platforms tailored to their specific requirements, enabling efficient deployment and management of IoT applications on edge devices.All these examples showcase Moby’s ability to assemble flexible and tailored container systems for various applications in the real world.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moby

What is Moby?

Moby is an open-source platform for assembling, managing, and running containerized applications. It provides a unified toolkit and architecture for building distributed systems, making it easier for developers to create, deploy, and manage containers in their applications.

Who created Moby?

Moby was created by Docker Inc., the company behind the popular Docker container platform. The initiative was announced during DockerCon 2017 to support a collaborative ecosystem for container development and innovation.

What is the relationship between Docker and Moby?

Docker is a product built using the Moby platform. Moby is an open-source, independent project that provides the underlying components and infrastructure used to create Docker. This separation allows for greater flexibility and collaboration in the container ecosystem, with Docker focusing on providing a seamless experience for users and Moby serving as a foundation for other container orchestration systems.

What are the main components of Moby?

Moby comprises several components, including a container engine, container runtime, networking, storage, and an orchestration system. These components form an integrated toolkit for developers to build, share, and manage containerized applications efficiently, enhancing the capabilities of the traditional Docker platform.

How can I start using Moby in my projects?

To start using Moby, you need to visit the Moby Project GitHub repository. Here, you’ll find all the components, tools, and resources you require to begin building and customizing your own container platform. You can also contribute to the development of the Moby platform by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or participating in the Moby community events.

Related Technology Terms

  • Docker
  • Containerization
  • Microservices
  • Open-source
  • Orchestration

Sources for More Information

  • Docker – As the original creator of the Moby project, the Docker website provides information on the technology and how it is used.
  • Moby Project on GitHub – The project repository on GitHub, where you can find source code, documentation, and general information.
  • InfoWorld – A popular technology news website, containing a range of articles and tutorials about Moby and container-related technologies.
  • Cloud Native Computing Foundation – As a part of the Linux Foundation, this organization focuses on container-related ecosystem technologies, including the Moby project.

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