Multiple Activation Key


Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is a licensing technology used by Microsoft for activating software, specifically Windows and Office products. It allows organizations to activate a specific number of copies for their licensed software, depending on the purchased agreement. MAK activation works by sending a unique key to a Microsoft server, validating the installation and granting activation for the software.

Key Takeaways

  1. Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is a product activation method used by Microsoft for volume licensing of their software, particularly Windows operating system and Office suite.
  2. MAK activates software one-time against Microsoft’s activation servers, and each activation counts toward a predetermined number of activations set by the volume licensing agreement.
  3. MAK is an alternative to Key Management Service (KMS), another volume licensing activation method that requires periodic activation and validates on a local network.


The Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is a crucial technology term, particularly in the context of software licensing and management.

It represents a unique, one-time-use key that enables businesses and organizations to activate a specific number of software installations on multiple devices.

By streamlining the activation process and effectively managing the deployment of software licenses, MAK ensures compliance with licensing agreements and minimizes the risk of penalties associated with improper software use.

Additionally, it offers enhanced convenience for IT administrators, allowing them to more efficiently manage and monitor software usage within the organization, saving valuable time and resources.


Multiple Activation Key (MAK) serves an essential purpose in the world of software licensing and distribution, particularly for businesses and large organizations. The primary function of MAK is to simplify the process of activating numerous devices or computers within an organization while maintaining compliance with the required software licensing agreements.

This centralized activation method ensures that organizations can easily manage, maintain, and track the software licenses being used within their network. MAK comes into play when traditional key management services (KMS) may not be feasible, especially when dealing with remote or disconnected devices that cannot connect to a central activation server.

In essence, when an organization deploys a suite of software applications across its devices or computers, a single Multiple Activation Key is assigned to the entire group, instead of individual keys for each device. This unified approach not only eliminates the challenges of managing numerous unique keys but also reduces the risk of unauthorized access to the software.

As organizations grow and evolve, MAK ensures that the process of deploying and maintaining licensed software remains seamless, secure, and efficient. Though streamlined, it is important to note that organizations must stay vigilant about the number of activations each MAK allows, as exceeding the limit may lead to complications and the need to acquire additional licenses.

Examples of Multiple Activation Key

Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is a volume license key used to activate multiple copies of Microsoft software, such as Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. It is commonly used by organizations to manage software licensing across multiple devices. Here are three real-world examples of MAK usage:

Large Corporation: A multinational company with thousands of employees may require multiple copies of Windows 10 and Office applications on their computers. Instead of manually activating each copy individually, the IT department can use a MAK key to activate these copies in bulk, thus streamlining the activation process and efficiently managing the company’s software licenses.

Educational Institution: A university or school may have hundreds of computers in their libraries, computer labs, and administrative offices that need Microsoft Office software, like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, installed. The institution can use a MAK key to activate the required number of licenses for the multitude of devices, ensuring proper license management and compliance with Microsoft’s volume licensing terms.

Government Agencies: Government offices and agencies often require large volumes of Microsoft products, such as Windows OS and Office applications, to be activated on their computers. To facilitate these activations, MAK provides a more efficient method of managing these licenses by allowing multiple activations under one key, ensuring compliance and better organization.

Multiple Activation Key (MAK) FAQ

1. What is a Multiple Activation Key (MAK)?

A Multiple Activation Key (MAK) is a type of product key that is used for activating a specified number of computers running Microsoft software. It is typically used by organizations for volume licensing, offering a one-time activation method for multiple devices.

2. How does MAK activation work?

When activating a product using a MAK, the device sends the key to Microsoft’s activation servers. The servers then verify the key and reduce the available activation count for that MAK. Once the count reaches zero, the key can no longer be used for new activations, but it will still work for computers that have been activated previously.

3. What are the requirements for using a MAK?

To use a MAK, you must have a Volume Licensing agreement with Microsoft that includes the products you want to activate. You will also need a connection to the Internet or a phone line to activate your products using the key.

4. How do I get a MAK?

A MAK can be obtained from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) once you have a valid Volume Licensing agreement in place. The provided MAK can then be used to activate the specified number of devices included in your license agreement.

5. Can I use a MAK for different products or versions?

Each MAK is issued for a specific product or version, meaning that it can only be used to activate the software it was intended for. However, you may receive multiple MAKs for different products or versions under your Volume Licensing agreement.

6. What if I run out of activations for my MAK?

If you run out of activations for your MAK, you can request additional activations by contacting your Microsoft Licensing support or representative. They will review your request and may grant additional activations if necessary.

Related Technology Terms

  • Volume Licensing
  • Software Activation
  • Key Management Service (KMS)
  • Microsoft Office Activation
  • Windows Server Activation

Sources for More Information

  • Microsoft Docs: Microsoft’s official documentation platform provides comprehensive information about Multiple Activation Key and other related products.
  • TechTarget: TechTarget is a renowned platform for technology professionals that offers in-depth articles, news, and expert advice on various topics, including Multiple Activation Key.
  • How-To Geek: How-To Geek features helpful articles and guides on a wide range of technology-related subjects, including information on Multiple Activation Key.
  • PCMag: PCMag is a leading technology media outlet that provides articles, reviews, and insights on various tech topics, including details on Multiple Activation Key and its uses.

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