Network Node Manager


Network Node Manager (NNM) is a software tool used to monitor and manage the overall health, performance, and availability of nodes within a computer network. It functions by collecting, analyzing, and displaying network data, enabling administrators to detect issues and perform necessary maintenance. NNM is essential for ensuring efficient network operations, minimizing system downtime, and improving organizational productivity.

Key Takeaways

  1. A Network Node Manager (NNM) is responsible for discovering, monitoring, and managing the devices and components within a network, improving overall network performance and efficiency.
  2. It provides real-time visibility and control over the network, which can help administrators detect potential issues, optimize network resources, and maintain a high level of network availability.
  3. Key features of Network Node Managers typically include network mapping, fault management, performance monitoring, and reporting, enabling a holistic approach to network administration and management.


The term “Network Node Manager” (NNM) is important in the field of technology because it refers to a valuable tool designed to centralize the administration, monitoring, and management of computer networks.

NNM helps in identifying, configuring, and maintaining network devices, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency and stability of network performance, reducing maintenance and operational costs, and enhancing overall network reliability.

This comprehensive management system simplifies the complexity of managing large-scale networks by detecting faults, analyzing performance data, and providing real-time status updates.

As an essential component in a network administrator’s toolkit, NNM ensures effective control, quick response to potential issues, and optimal network performance, contributing to improved productivity and service quality for businesses and organizations.


Network Node Manager (NNM) is an essential tool in network management systems, designed to streamline the tasks of administrators and network engineers. It serves the crucial purpose of monitoring, managing, and maintaining multiple network devices and connections in an organization’s network infrastructure.

As the backbone of a well-functioning networking system, NNM provides centralized visibility, automation, and control over the various components of a network. Network professionals utilize NNM capabilities to effectively detect performance issues, maintain network security, swiftly resolve service outages, optimize resource utilization, and conduct regular audits to ensure maximum efficiency of the network infrastructure.

In a world where businesses and organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on efficient network connections, the role of a Network Node Manager is indispensable. The tool excels at identifying and preventing potential network issues by continuously monitoring data transfers, authenticating devices, and managing communication pathways in real-time.

Furthermore, NNM collects vital statistics on network performance, such as response times and data transmission rates, crucial for enabling network managers to make informed decisions on improvements or upgrades. By using NNM to maintain a high level of network performance, organizations can experience enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction while reducing downtime and operational costs, ultimately leading to a more agile and resilient networking system.

Examples of Network Node Manager

Network Node Manager (NNM) is a network management software with the core functionality of monitoring, maintaining, and managing networks and their components. It provides real-time information about the network’s performance, availability, and fault management. Here are three real-world examples of network node managers:

Cisco Prime Network Node Manager:Cisco Prime is a network management solution offered by Cisco Systems. The network node manager within Cisco Prime can monitor, troubleshoot, and manage network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls. It provides inventory management, network visualization, and integration with various Cisco technologies, helping network administrators to manage the network efficiently.

HPE Network Node Manager i (NNMi):HPE NNMi is a network management software solution provided by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). It offers real-time monitoring, event correlation, and root cause analysis of networks and devices, including routers, switches, and servers across multiple vendors. HPE NNMi enables network administrators to identify and resolve network issues, ensuring the network’s reliability and performance.

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM):SolarWinds NPM is a popular network management software widely used by IT professionals worldwide to monitor and analyze network performance. This network node manager can track network devices’ performance, availability, and faults and provide insights with customizable dashboards, charts, and alerts. With SolarWinds NPM, network administrators can automate device discoveries, inventory management, and device performance monitoring to manage their network infrastructure more effectively.

FAQ: Network Node Manager

What is a Network Node Manager?

A Network Node Manager (NNM) is a software that helps network administrators monitor, manage, and troubleshoot networks more efficiently. It collects information about the devices connected to the network, their status, connectivity, and performance, enabling administrators to detect and resolve network issues more effectively.

What are the key features of a Network Node Manager?

Some key features of Network Node Manager include network discovery, network monitoring, topology mapping, configuration management, performance management, band allocation, and fault management. These features allow network administrators to maintain and optimize the network’s performance and stability.

How does Network Node Manager work?

Network Node Manager starts by discovering devices on the network and creating an inventory. Then, it uses various protocols and techniques such as SNMP, ICMP, and WMI to collect performance data and monitor the status of each device. The NNM can generate alerts, maintain records of events, and create visual representations of network topology, making it easier for administrators to manage the network efficiently.

What kind of devices can a Network Node Manager monitor?

A Network Node Manager can monitor a wide range of devices and interfaces, including routers, switches, servers, firewalls, load balancers, and virtual devices. The NNM can also monitor links between devices, subnets, and other network elements for effective network management.

What are the benefits of using a Network Node Manager?

Some benefits of using a Network Node Manager include reduced downtime, improved network performance, faster issue resolution, better overall security, and comprehensive network management capabilities. Network Node Managers can help optimize the network, making it easier for administrators to maintain efficiency and stability.

Related Technology Terms

  • Network Topology Discovery
  • Network Performance Monitoring
  • Network Element Configuration
  • Event Management and Notifications
  • Fault Isolation and Troubleshooting

Sources for More Information

  • Micro Focus: Micro Focus is the company behind the development of Network Node Manager i (NNMi). Their website provides detailed information about the features, benefits, and technical documentation for their NNMi software.
  • ScienceDirect: ScienceDirect is an online platform that provides users with relevant research articles and information about a variety of fields, including network management and Network Node Manager. You may find research articles, case studies, and related publications for Network Node Managers.
  • IEEE Xplore: IEEE Xplore is the digital library of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The IEEE Xplore database contains many technical articles related to Network Node Manager software, network management, and related technologies.
  • ISC²: ISC² is a respected organization in the field of information security and IT certifications. Their resources often include relevant publications, articles, and webinars that cover Network Node Manager software, network management, and other related topics.

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