
Ninety-Ninety Rule


The Ninety-Ninety Rule is a humorous observation in software development, which states that the first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time, and the remaining 10% also takes 90% of the time. Essentially, it highlights the tendency for projects to take longer than planned, often due to unexpected issues or underestimation of the scope. The rule serves as a reminder to developers and managers to be mindful of scheduling and the complexity of software development.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Ninety-Ninety Rule is a humorous aphorism in software engineering, stating that the first 90% of a project’s code takes 90% of the development time, while the remaining 10% takes the other 90% of the time.
  2. This rule highlights the common issue of underestimating the time required for project completion, as the last 10% of development often involves bug-fixes, optimization, and final adjustments that are unexpectedly time-consuming.
  3. While not a definitive guideline, the Ninety-Ninety Rule serves as a cautionary reminder for project managers and developers to always allocate enough time for the final stages of development to ensure overall project success.


The Ninety-Ninety Rule is an important concept in technology and software development as it highlights the challenges and complexities involved in the process of creating and refining software.

Often attributed to Tom Cargill of Bell Labs, this aphorism states that “the first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time, while the remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” This observation emphasizes that completing a project is often more time-consuming and difficult than initially anticipated, as developers tend to underestimate the numerous tasks involved in polishing the final product.

The rule serves as a reminder for project managers and developers to allocate sufficient time and resources for overcoming unforeseen issues and ensuring the timely completion of a high-quality software project.


The Ninety-Ninety Rule serves as a witty reminder in the realm of software development, highlighting the challenges associated with project management and completion. This rule, sometimes referred to as a humorous adage, states, “The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time.

The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” The purpose of this rule is to emphasize that, in many efforts, the majority of time gets invested in the small, intricate details and bug fixes, thereby drawing focus to the significance of proper planning, effective task estimation, and the importance of prioritizing tasks that can greatly impede progress. In practice, the Ninety-Ninety Rule addresses common situations in which software development projects consume more time and resources than initially anticipated, thus reinforcing the notion that the final stretch of any project typically involves a plethora of unforeseen challenges.

By shedding light on the risk of underestimation and complications inherent in software development, this rule encourages teams to allocate sufficient time and effort to address latent issues, optimize the final product, and assure its stability and reliability. In this way, software developers and project managers can be better equipped to make informed decisions when formulating deadlines and resource allocation, achieving realistic project goals and high-quality outcomes.

Examples of Ninety-Ninety Rule

The Ninety-Ninety Rule is a humorous aphorism in computer programming, which states that “the first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time, and the remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” The rule highlights the unpredictable nature and complexity of software development projects. Here are three real-world examples where this rule can be seen in action:

Feature Creep and Complexity:When developing software for a smartphone app, a team initially estimates that the project will be completed in 6 months. After completing 90% of the work in

5 months, the team realizes that integrating additional requested features and addressing unforeseen complexities will take longer than anticipated. The project timeline eventually extends to 10 months, as the remaining 10% of the work takes roughly as long as the initial 90%.

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:In the early stages of developing a web application, the main focus may be on implementing the core functionality. However, as development progresses, the 10% of remaining work in refining the UI and UX can become time-consuming. Ensuring that the application flows seamlessly and addresses accessibility requirements can be a complex task, and may take the same amount of time as the initial development phase.

Debugging and Testing:A software firm is working on a complex financial system for a bank. The development team completes the initial implementation of the majority of system features. As they move into the testing phase, they find that fixing bugs and security vulnerabilities becomes a more considerable part of the project. Continuing to address these issues in the remaining 10% of the code can take as long as the initial implementation, due to the difficulty in identifying, understanding, and addressing the root causes of these issues.

FAQ: Ninety-Ninety Rule

1. What is the Ninety-Ninety Rule?

The Ninety-Ninety Rule is a humorous adage in computer programming that states, “The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” It highlights the often-encountered difficulty in accurately estimating the amount of time required to complete complex software projects.

2. Who coined the Ninety-Ninety Rule?

The Ninety-Ninety Rule is often attributed to Tom Cargill, a computer programmer and consultant at Bell Labs, who first used the adage to illustrate the challenges faced by software developers in managing deadlines and expectations in the software industry.

3. Why is the Ninety-Ninety Rule important and relevant in software development?

The Ninety-Ninety Rule underscores the complexities of software development, where the final stages of a project,usually involve tasks such as bug fixing, testing, and polishing, can take a disproportionately long time to complete. The rule serves as a reminder to developers and project managers to allocate sufficient time and resources to address both the visible and often-invisible challenges associated with these later stages of development.

4. What are some techniques to manage and mitigate the impact of the Ninety-Ninety Rule?

To manage the impact of the Ninety-Ninety Rule, consider adopting agile development practices, embracing iterative development, estimating task durations conservatively, monitoring progress regularly, setting realistic expectations with stakeholders, and involving users early in the development process to gather feedback and inform project direction.

5. Is the Ninety-Ninety Rule applicable to other industries outside of software development?

While the Ninety-Ninety Rule is most commonly referenced within the context of software development, the concept of underestimating the time and effort required to complete tasks can apply to other industries and disciplines, particularly those involving complex projects or creative processes.

Related Technology Terms


  • Software Development
  • Project Management
  • Estimation
  • Completion Phase
  • Code Refactoring


Sources for More Information


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