


Nofollow is an HTML attribute that can be added to a hyperlink, instructing search engines not to follow the link or use it in ranking algorithms. It was introduced to help webmasters combat comment spam and control the flow of their site’s outbound link juice. By applying the “nofollow” attribute, the linked site won’t receive any SEO benefits from the connection.

Key Takeaways

  1. Nofollow is an HTML attribute that instructs search engines not to follow a specific link on a webpage, thus not passing any link equity or “link juice” to the linked site.
  2. It’s commonly used to prevent search engines from associating your site with low-quality or spammy websites, or to avoid giving credit to user-generated content and paid links.
  3. Using nofollow attributes strategically can help maintain your website’s reputation and search engine ranking by ensuring that you’re only endorsing high-quality, relevant content.


The technology term “nofollow” is important because it plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and web page ranking.

It is an HTML attribute that can be added to a hyperlink to instruct search engines not to pass any link equity or “link juice” to the linked webpage, essentially telling search engine crawlers not to follow that specific link.

This attribute helps website owners maintain better control over their site’s rankings, prevent spam and manipulation, and allow them to link to external sites without endorsing or taking responsibility for their content.

In addition, by preventing search engines from following specific links, it also saves valuable crawl budget and ensures that web crawlers focus on indexing high-quality content.

Overall, the nofollow attribute contributes to creating a more organized and well-optimized internet ecosystem.


Nofollow is an attribute that can be added to a hyperlink in order to provide a specific instruction to search engines. Its primary purpose is to inform search engine crawlers not to follow a particular link or give it any weight when determining the search ranking for the linked page.

This becomes particularly useful in managing the flow of link equity, which is the value passed from one webpage to another through hyperlinks. By using the nofollow attribute, website owners can prioritize which outbound links add value to their site and help maintain the quality and relevance of search results for users.

The nofollow attribute is most commonly employed in situations where the website owner may not have editorial control over the content or when linking to potentially untrustworthy websites. Examples include blog comment sections, sponsored posts, or user-generated content.

By utilizing the nofollow attribute in such contexts, website owners can prevent these links from unfairly influencing search rankings. Consequently, search engines can continue to deliver accurate and high-quality search results, which ultimately benefits online users and helps maintain the credibility of the search ecosystem.

Examples of Nofollow

Nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the “rel” attribute of an HTML link to instruct search engines like Google not to follow the link, and not to transfer any “link juice” (i.e., no impact on the target site’s search engine ranking). Here are three real-world examples where using nofollow can be beneficial:

Blog Comments: Many websites and blogs with comment sections often use the nofollow attribute as a way to combat spam and prevent users from posting comments solely to gain backlinks to their own websites. By using nofollow, these site owners can ensure that search engines will not pass any link authority from their sites to the spammy links added in the comments.

Sponsored Content: Websites that host sponsored content or paid advertisements, like banners or native ads, should use the nofollow attribute on these promotional links. This is because search engines expect webmasters to disclose paid relationships, and using nofollow helps with preventing artificially inflating the target site’s search engine ranking.

Untrustworthy or Unendorsed Websites: If you have to link to a website that you don’t trust or want to be associated with, it is a good idea to use the nofollow attribute. This ensures that search engines understand your hesitancy and don’t consider the link as an endorsement of the linked site or its content.By using nofollow in these examples, webmasters can maintain a better level of control over their website’s relationship with search engines, ensuring they don’t unintentionally contribute to the increase in visibility or rankings of untrusted or irrelevant websites.


Nofollow FAQ

What is a Nofollow link?

A nofollow link is a type of hyperlink with an attribute added to the HTML code that tells search engines not to consider the link as a positive endorsement for the linked website. This attribute helps indicate to search engines like Google that the link should not be considered when determining a site’s ranking or authority.

Why should I use Nofollow links?

Nofollow links are useful in situations where you want to point users to a website but don’t want to endorse the content or give it any SEO weight. Common uses include linking to untrusted websites, forum and comment links, sponsored or paid posts, or user-generated content where the quality and relevance of the link cannot be guaranteed.

How do I create a Nofollow link in HTML?

To create a nofollow link, add the attribute “rel=nofollow” to the link’s HTML tag. For example:

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Example Website</a>

Can Nofollow links still have a positive impact on my website?

While nofollow links may not directly provide SEO benefits in the form of increased search engine rankings, they can still have a positive impact on your website by driving targeted traffic, increasing brand awareness and potentially leading to additional follow links from other sources.

Do all search engines respect the Nofollow attribute?

Most major search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, respect the nofollow attribute. However, some smaller or specialized search engines may not recognize or apply the attribute consistently.


Related Technology Terms

  • Rel=”nofollow”
  • Link attribute
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Backlink
  • PageRank

Sources for More Information


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