Non-Breaking Space


Non-Breaking Space (NBSP) is a character used in text formatting and web development to create a space that prevents an automatic line break at its position. Essentially, it allows words or characters on either side of the non-breaking space to stay together, even when text is wrapped to fit a container or screen. It is commonly used to avoid breaks within phrases or terms that should remain intact, like dates, names, or numbers separated by commas.

Key Takeaways

  1. A non-breaking space is a special character used in HTML and other markup languages to create a space that prevents an automatic line break at its position.
  2. In HTML, the non-breaking space can be represented using the character entity   or the Unicode character  .
  3. Non-breaking spaces are commonly used to improve readability by keeping related words and elements together, such as in currencies, dates, or preventing single-word lines at the end of a paragraph.


The term Non-Breaking Space (NBSP) is important in technology because it serves the crucial function of maintaining the visual structure and coherence of written content in digital platforms.

NBSP is essentially an invisible character that prevents automatic line breaks or word wraps from occurring within specific blocks of text, ensuring that related words or elements stay connected.

This is particularly valuable for retaining the integrity of various content types, such as dates, numerical values, names, and special phrases, where maintaining their unity is essential for clear comprehension and accurate representation.

By utilizing NBSP, designers and developers can enhance the readability and overall user experience, ultimately contributing to more effective visual communication in digital media.


A Non-Breaking Space (NBSP) is a unique code used in text formatting to ensure that a specific section of text remains unseparated, maintaining the visual cohesion of the content. The primary purpose of utilizing non-breaking spaces is to keep related words or characters together and prevent them from being separated by an automatic line break or wrap.

This line break, or wrap, occurs when the text is resized or when it reaches the end of a line in a layout or document. By utilizing a non-breaking space, content creators can enhance readability and overall aesthetics of the text, ensuring that crucial information, such as dates, names, or certain phrases, are consistently displayed together for the reader.

In the world of digital content and web design, the introduction of non-breaking spaces is particularly important. They provide a level of control over the appearance and presentation of content across various platforms and devices, ensuring that the meaning and context are preserved, even in dynamically resizing displays.

For instance, in HTML, a non-breaking space can be inserted using the code ” ” to prevent unwanted line breaks between elements. While in word processors like Microsoft Word, a non-breaking space is typically inserted with a keyboard shortcut, such as “Ctrl+Shift+Space”. These formatting tools offer authors and designers the ability to maintain control over their content’s presentation, ultimately guiding the reader towards a more cohesive and professional experience.

Examples of Non-Breaking Space

In the technology world, a non-breaking space (NBSP) is an invisible character used to create a space between words or elements in a text or HTML code, which cannot be broken across lines. It is often utilized to improve the formatting and readability of text. Here are three real-world examples of NBSP usage:

In writing and typography:Using non-breaking spaces between numbers and their corresponding units can prevent awkward line breaks. For example, when mentioning a distance of “50 km” in a document, placing an NBSP between “50” and “km” will ensure the number and unit stay together even if they would normally be split across two lines.

In HTML formatting:Web developers often use NBSP to create consistent spacing between elements on a webpage. For instance, menus or navigation bars may use non-breaking spaces to ensure uniform spacing between links, so they appear visually appealing and not cluttered.

Citations and references:When listing authors in a citation or reference, placing a non-breaking space between authors’ initials and last names can help maintain a consistent format and prevent awkward line breaks. For example, “J. K. Rowling” could be written with non-breaking spaces between “J.”, “K.”, and “Rowling” to ensure the author’s name stays together on one line.

FAQ – Non-Breaking Space

What is a non-breaking space?

A non-breaking space is a character used in HTML to create a space that prevents an automatic line break (or line wrap) at its position. It is often represented by the entity   or character code  .

Why use a non-breaking space?

Non-breaking spaces are useful for situations when you want to keep specific words or characters together on the same line. This can help maintain a clean and organized layout, and it’s particularly beneficial for preventing unwanted breaks in text like dates, addresses, or names with initials.

How do I create a non-breaking space in HTML?

To create a non-breaking space in HTML, you can simply use the entity   between the characters or words that should remain together. Additionally, you can use the character code   as an alternative. Both options will produce a non-breaking space in the rendered HTML.

Can I use non-breaking spaces with other elements in HTML?

Yes, non-breaking spaces can be used with various elements in HTML, such as links, lists, tables, and more. By using non-breaking spaces within these elements, you can control the formatting and appearance of the content, ensuring that no unwanted breaks occur.

What’s the difference between a regular space and a non-breaking space?

A regular space character allows text to wrap to the next line when the text reaches the edge of its container. On the other hand, a non-breaking space prevents the text from wrapping at its position, keeping the characters or words on either side of the non-breaking space together on the same line. This helps maintain the desired formatting and appearance of the content.

Related Technology Terms

  • HTML Entity:  
  • Whitespace Character
  • Unicode Character: U+00A0
  • Line-Break Prevention
  • Typographic Control

Sources for More Information


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