Non-Maskable Interrupt


Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a hardware-driven interrupt signal that cannot be ignored or disabled by a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). It receives priority over regular interrupts, ensuring that the CPU processes it immediately. NMI is typically used in critical situations, such as hardware errors or system crashes, to prompt immediate attention and facilitate system recovery or diagnostics.

Key Takeaways

  1. Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a specific type of hardware interrupt that cannot be ignored, i.e., masked, by the operating system or application running on the computer.
  2. NMIs are usually triggered by critical events, such as hardware errors, and require immediate attention, allowing the system to respond to these urgent situations more efficiently.
  3. Non-Maskable Interrupts help protect the system by ensuring catastrophic events like power failures or memory errors are handled correctly, preventing data loss or permanent damage to the system components.


Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is an important term in technology as it refers to a high-priority interrupt signal that cannot be ignored or blocked by the system.

This ensures that certain critical events and errors in a computer or embedded system are promptly addressed, preventing potential data loss or system failures.

NMIs are often utilized for hardware-generated error conditions, such as power failures or memory parity errors, which demand immediate attention from the system.

By designating these crucial events as non-maskable, developers and system designers can ensure that the system remains responsive, reliable, and resilient in the face of unexpected occurrences.


Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) serves as an essential feature in computing systems, particularly when it comes to ensuring system stability and reliability. Its primary purpose is to address situations where standard interrupt handling processes may fall short, thus necessitating a distinct mechanism to manage critical scenarios.

Unlike maskable interrupts, NMIs cannot be disabled by software or hardware, allowing them to take precedence over other activities within the system. This quality makes them invaluable in handling high-priority tasks, such as hardware failures, system malfunctions, or emergency shutdowns, where a rapid response is crucial in mitigating potential damage and data loss.

One of the key use cases for NMIs lies in detecting hardware errors, such as parity or memory errors that can have serious implications on system performance or data integrity. By executing a non-maskable interrupt handler, the system can quickly address these errors and initiate appropriate corrective actions.

This may involve logging the error and providing an error message to the user, halting the system to prevent further damage, or gracefully restarting the system to minimize the risk of data corruption. Ultimately, NMIs play an indispensable role in safeguarding the operational health of computer systems and ensuring the smooth continuity of processes, despite the unexpected and critical events that may arise.

Examples of Non-Maskable Interrupt

A Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a type of hardware interrupt that cannot be ignored by a processor. It is often used for critical events and emergencies to notify the processor of a problem that needs immediate attention. Here are three real-world examples of an NMI:

Hardware Failure: In case of a hardware failure, like overheating of a CPU or issues with memory subsystem, the system can trigger an NMI to promptly notify the processor. This can help the operating system (OS) take necessary actions like shutting down the system safely or logging the occurrence of the hardware error before a crash.

Debugging and Diagnostics: NMI can be used to force a breakpoint during software debugging and diagnostics. When a developer needs to abruptly halt the processor for the purpose of debugging or analyzing the system state, they can invoke an NMI, forcing the processor to immediately divert its attention to a predefined interrupt handler. This can help identify any software bugs or anomalies that would have been hard to catch otherwise.

Watchdog Timers: Many embedded systems, like Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and microcontrollers, rely on watchdog timers to detect software anomalies, like hang-ups and infinite loops. If the system does not reset the watchdog within the predefined time, it generates an NMI to alert the processor about a possible system malfunction. This allows the system to recover more gracefully from these software issues or restart the system to avoid further complications.


Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) FAQ

1. What is a Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)?

A Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) is a hardware interrupt that cannot be disabled or ignored by the processor. It has a high priority and is used for time-sensitive events or critical situations, such as hardware failures or system crashes.

2. How is an NMI different from a regular interrupt?

Unlike a regular interrupt, an NMI cannot be masked or disabled by the processor. This means that the processor must immediately respond to the interrupt request, allowing the system to handle critical events or errors with minimal delay.

3. When should an NMI be used?

An NMI should be used for handling critical system events that require immediate attention, such as hardware failures, system crashes, or time-sensitive tasks that cannot be delayed. It is not intended for general-purpose use, as it can disrupt normal system operation if used improperly.

4. How does a processor handle NMI?

When the processor receives an NMI, it immediately stops executing the current instruction and jumps to a specific interrupt handler routine. This routine is responsible for addressing the cause of the NMI and resolving any related issues. Once the routine has completed, the processor resumes normal operation.

5. Can an NMI be simulated in software?

While it is possible to simulate some aspects of an NMI in software, true non-maskable interrupts require hardware support. Software-generated NMIs may not have the same level of priority or be as immune to system disruptions as a true hardware-based NMI.


Related Technology Terms

  • Interrupt Request Line (IRQ)
  • Interrupt Vector Table (IVT)
  • Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
  • Priority Interrupt Controller (PIC)
  • CPU Exception Handling

Sources for More Information


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