

OmniTouch is a wearable technology developed by Microsoft that allows multitouch input on a variety of everyday surfaces. Using a depth-sensing camera, it projects a user interface onto these surfaces, and the user interacts with it using touch gestures. Thus, OmniTouch lets users have portable, hands-free interactive systems without needing handheld devices.


The phonetics of the keyword “OmniTouch” is: “ɒmni tʌʧ”

Key Takeaways

OmniTouch Key Takeaways

  1. OmniTouch is a wearable system allowing users to turn any surface into an interactive interface. The system uses a shoulder-mounted device involving a mini projector and a depth-sensing camera.
  2. It gives users the possibility to control the interface in various ways such as through touching the projected image, dragging their fingers across the surface to scroll, or hovering their finger above the surface to move the cursor.
  3. OmniTouch can function on various surfaces, including the user’s own body. This adds to the device’s overall convenience and flexibility, opening up possibilities for constant usage without the need for a static or specific environment.


OmniTouch is a significant technology term as it represents an innovative advancement in human-computer interaction developed by Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University. It’s a wearable projection system that turns surfaces around the user into interactive touch screens, allowing users to input information through gestures on any proximate surface. It’s essentially a mobile, wearable system that makes use of depth-sensing and projection technology to create interactive graphical displays, thus providing a highly versatile and convenient interface. This groundbreaking technology has major implications in transforming digital interaction, with potential uses ranging from business and education to gaming and entertainment, shaping the future of human-technology interaction.


OmniTouch refers to a wearable interaction system developed by Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, which allows users to interact with a digitally projected interface on virtually any surface. It has the unique purpose of turning everyday surfaces into interactive touch screens. The system involves a depth sensing camera, the Kinect, with a Pico-projector which is worn on the user’s shoulder, enabling omnipresent accessibility to a touch interface.The core use of OmniTouch is to facilitate convenient user interfaces essentially anywhere, whether it’s on walls, hands, or even tables. The system recognizes user’s interactions with these surfaces, such as clicking, sliding, or scrolling, which replicates the functions of a smartphone or a touch-screen device. OmniTouch’s unique and versatile touch-based interactions offer great potential for dynamic and improvised scenarios where conventional devices may not be suitable or practical. Its freeform and flexible nature is highly beneficial for a multitude of professional fields like design, education, and healthcare, creating intuitively navigable interfaces on-the-go.


OmniTouch, a technology developed by Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University, can turn any surface into a touch screen with the help of a shoulder-worn system. Here are three real world examples of how OmniTouch might be used:1. Interactive Presentations: If you are in a presentation or meeting, you could turn a whiteboard or even a side of a building into an interactive display. This could allow you to share and edit documents, show videos, or manage a workflow in real time without the need for a laptop or projector.2. Shopping: You’re in a grocery store and need to check your shopping list or find a recipe. Instead of having to pull out your phone, you can simply tap your shopping cart handle or even the palm of your hand to pull up the list or recipe directly on that surface.3. Education: OmniTouch could be very helpful in a classroom setting. Teachers could turn any desk or wall into an interactive teaching tool, providing a more engaging and hands-on way for students to learn.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Q: What is OmniTouch?A: OmniTouch is a wearable interface technology that allows any surface to be used as a touchscreen.Q: Who developed OmniTouch technology?A: OmniTouch was developed by Microsoft Research and Carnegie Mellon University.Q: How does OmniTouch work? A: OmniTouch works by using a pico-projector to display interface on any surface paired with a depth-sensing camera that tracks user’s gestures and actions. Q: What makes OmniTouch different from other touchscreen technologies?A: The unique feature of OmniTouch is its ability to transform any surface into a touchscreen, removing the limitations of screen size and enhancing user interaction with technology.Q: Can the OmniTouch projector be worn?A: Yes, OmniTouch was designed to be wearable which offers high mobility and easy access for its user.Q: Is OmniTouch currently available in the market? A: No, as of now, OmniTouch is not yet available in the market. It’s still in the research and development stage.Q: Can OmniTouch detect multi-touch gestures?A: Yes, OmniTouch is equipped with innovative technology that allows it to detect multi-touch gestures just like a traditional touchscreen.Q: What are the applications of OmniTouch?A: While in the early stages of development, potential applications for OmniTouch might include mobile computing, gaming, augmented and virtual reality systems, and educational settings, among others.Q: Is there a limit to the size of the surface OmniTouch can project onto?A: The surface size for OmniTouch largely depends on the capability of the pico-projector and the distance from the surface. However, one of the main ideas of OmniTouch is to move beyond the restrictions of screen size.

Related Tech Terms

  • Multi-touch surface
  • Spatial interaction
  • Projected interfaces
  • Virtual Whiteboard
  • Depth camera technology

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