ReplaceWord – Replace whole words

ReplaceWord – Replace whole words

' Replace a whole wordFunction ReplaceWord(Source As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _    Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, Optional Count As Long = -1, _    Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As String    Dim findLen As Long    Dim replaceLen As Long    Dim index As Long    Dim counter As Long    Dim charcode As Long    Dim replaceIt As Boolean        findLen = Len(Find)    replaceLen = Len(ReplaceStr)        ' this prevents an endless loop    If findLen = 0 Then Err.Raise 5        If Start < 1 Then Start = 1    index = Start        ' let's start by assigning the source to the result    ReplaceWord = Source        Do        index = InStr(index, ReplaceWord, Find, Compare)        If index = 0 Then Exit Do                replaceIt = False        ' check that it is preceded by a punctuation symbol        If index > 1 Then            charcode = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ReplaceWord, index - 1, 1)))        Else            charcode = 32        End If        If charcode < 65 Or charcode > 90 Then            ' check that it is followed by a punctuation symbol            charcode = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(ReplaceWord, index + Len(Find), _                1)) & " ")            If charcode < 65 Or charcode > 90 Then                replaceIt = True            End If        End If                If replaceIt Then            ' do the replacement            ReplaceWord = Left$(ReplaceWord, index - 1) & ReplaceStr & Mid$ _                (ReplaceWord, index + findLen)            ' skip over the string just added            index = index + replaceLen            ' increment the replacement counter            counter = counter + 1        Else            ' skip over this false match            index = index + findLen        End If                ' Note that the Loop Until test will always fail if Count = -1    Loop Until counter = Count    End Function


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