
GetFileDescription – Get a file’s description through Windows API

GetFileDescription – Get a file’s description through Windows API

Private Const MAX_PATH = 260Private Type SHFILEINFO    hIcon As Long    iIcon As Long    dwAttributes As Long    szDisplayName As String * MAX_PATH    szTypeName As String * 80End TypePrivate Declare Function SHGetFileInfo Lib "Shell32" Alias "SHGetFileInfoA" _    (ByVal pszPath As Any, ByVal dwFileAttributes As Long, psfi As SHFILEINFO, _    ByVal cbFileInfo As Long, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long' Returns the description of the specified file/folder '  (for example "Folder", "Executable file", "Bmp Image" and so on)Function GetFileDescription(ByVal sPath As String) As String    Const SHGFI_TYPENAME = &H400        Dim FInfo As SHFILEINFO        ' retrieve the item's attributes    SHGetFileInfo sPath, 0, FInfo, Len(FInfo), SHGFI_TYPENAME    ' read the szTypeName field    GetFileDescription = Left$(FInfo.szTypeName, InStr(FInfo.szTypeName & _        vbNullChar, vbNullChar) - 1)End Function

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