Monday – retrieving the date of the Monday for a specified week

Monday – retrieving the date of the Monday for a specified week

' Return the date of the Monday for a specified week..' This function can be tweaked to return any weekday. I use it in Access to' subdivide reports into weekly units, since Access displays only a number ' between 1 and 53 for the week when you group dates by week.'' Note: the Monday function requires the presence of the IsLeapYear function,' as well as the two arguments for the year and the week. Public Function Monday(intYear As Integer, intWeek As Integer) As Date    Static intMonday(53) As Date    Dim i As Long, x As Integer    Dim datDayNum As Date    Dim intNumDays As Integer    If IsLeapYear(intYear) Then        intNumDays = 365    Else        intNumDays = 364    End If    datDayNum = DateSerial(intYear, 1, 1)    If WeekDay(datDayNum) >= 3 And WeekDay(datDayNum) <= 6 Then        For i = datDayNum - 7 To datDayNum + intNumDays            If WeekDay(i) = 2 Then                x = x + 1                intMonday(x) = CDate(i)            End If        Next    Else        For i = datDayNum To datDayNum + intNumDays            If WeekDay(i) = 2 Then                x = x + 1                intMonday(x) = CDate(i)            End If        Next    End If    ' And finally:    Monday = intMonday(intWeek)End Function' This relatively simple function should work fine for any year between 100 and ' 9999,  using the Gregorian calendar.' As you can see, it tests the year for whether it is a multiple of 4, 100,'  or 400, using the Mod operator. It does not allow for years that VB can't ' handle.Public Function IsLeapYear(intYear As Integer) As Boolean    ' Multiples of 100 that are not also multiples of 400 are not leap years;    ' thus, 1900 was not, but 2000 was.    If intYear < 100 Or intYear > 9999 Then        MsgBox "The year provided must be between 100 and 9999, inclusive."        Exit Function    End If    If intYear Mod 400 = 0 Then        IsLeapYear = True    ElseIf intYear Mod 100 = 0 Then        IsLeapYear = False    ElseIf intYear Mod 4 = 0 Then        IsLeapYear = True    Else        IsLeapYear = False    End IfEnd Function


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