
CompareFiles – Comparing two binary/text files

CompareFiles – Comparing two binary/text files

' Returns a boolean indicating whether two files are equal' Example: Debug.WriteLine(CompareFiles("D:File1.mdb", "D:File2.mdb"))Function CompareFiles(ByVal path1 As String, ByVal path2 As String) As Boolean    Dim file1 As New System.IO.FileInfo(path1)    Dim file2 As New System.IO.FileInfo(path2)    Dim stream1, stream2 As System.IO.FileStream    ' if the length of the 2 files is different, return False    If file1.Length <> file2.Length Then Return False    Try        ' open the two files in read mode        stream1 = file1.OpenRead()        stream2 = file2.OpenRead()        Dim i As Integer        ' check whether all bytes are equal        For i = 0 To stream1.Length            If stream1.ReadByte() <> stream2.ReadByte Then                Return False            End If        Next        ' if not already exited at this point, the two files are equal        Return True    Catch e As Exception        Return False    Finally        ' be sure to close the file before exiting the function        If Not stream1 Is Nothing Then stream1.Close()        If Not stream2 Is Nothing Then stream2.Close()    End TryEnd Function

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