Create a Database Connection by Passing a DataSource Object

Create a Database Connection by Passing a DataSource Object

If the DataSource object is not null, a connection is picked up from the connection pool of the datasource. Else, direct connection to the database is created by DriverManager.

 import javax.sql.DataSource;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;public Connection getConnection(DataSource dataSource)   {       String url = "Your_database_url";       String driver = "Your_database_driver";       String username = "Your_database_user";       String pwd = "Your_database_password";       Connection conn = null;   //Creating a connection object       if(dataSource == null)  //If datasource does not exist, getting the database connection directlyfrom database using DriverManager        {            try{                Class.forName(driver);                conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, pwd);                conn.setAutoCommit(false);            }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}         }        else         { 	//If datasource exists, get the connection from datasource            try{                conn = dataSource.getConnection();                conn.setAutoCommit(false);                MESACLog.ACLog('d',"Connected");            }catch(java.sql.SQLException connex){//Connection Pool may be exhausted.         }       return conn;    }

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