String formatting

String formatting

Is there a function that will format a string for number or, say, $$ display? For example: format 1000000 to 1,000,000?

No, the C standard has no such function.

The following routine takes an integer argument, converts it to a string using the itoa() run-time library function, and then loops through to add commas to separate thousands. Simply prepend “$” if you want it to appear as currency.

// Creates an ASCII string with thousands commas for nValuechar* IntToText(int nValue){   size_t i, j = 0;   char buff1[20];   static char buff2[25];   // Convert to ascii   itoa(nValue, buff1, 10);   // Insert commas   for (i = 0; i < strlen(buff1); i++) {      if (i && ((strlen(buff1) - i) % 3) == 0) {         buff2[i + j] = ',';         j++;      }      buff2[i + j] = buff1[i];   }   buff2[i + j] = '';   return buff2;}


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