String Manipulation

String Manipulation

I have a VB app which formats a large text file and then prints it using MS Word. I need to include what amounts to a thick underscore in certain places in the margin (each page is unique). I am limited to using a non-proportional font (Courier or Letter Gothic). Word has the symbol I need (Insert, Symbol – Normal Text/2nd from last row, 6th from right between solid square and up triangle). How can this symbol be injected into the document using VB?

The easiest way that I have found to do anything with Microsoft Word is to record a macro for the procedure I wish to reproduce programmatically. Recording the procedure to add the dash you described produced the following code:

Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=9644, Unicode:=True

In your code, you will have something like this:

Dim oWord As Word.Application	Dim oDoc As Word.Document	Private Sub Command1_Click()	    Set oWord = New Word.Application    	    Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add     	    oWord.Visible = True    	    oWord.Selection.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber:=9644, Unicode:=True	End Sub

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