Difference Between Subs and Functions

As new to Visual Basic, I am having trouble understanding the difference between Sub a Procedure and a Function Procedure.

And I would also like to know where and how to use each. An example would be much appreciated.

The difference between Subs and Functions is that a function returns a value and Subs do not. When you need to return a value from a method, use a Function. When you just need to perform an action, but do not need any information back from the action use a Sub.

If you notice most of the events that you program to in VB, like Command1_Click(), Text1_Change() are Subs. These just receive an action and do some work. If on the other hand you wanted to create a mathematical function that calculates the area of a circle and returns that value, you should use a function:

Private Function CircleArea(radius as single) as single  CircleArea = 3.1415926 * (radius ^ 2)End Function

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