Enumerating Methods of a Class

Enumerating Methods of a Class

How can I enumerate the methods of an object? I know there must be away since JBuilder and other IDEs know how to populate a list ofmethods from a class.

Java possesses a mechanism called reflection, which allows you todynamically discover things about classes. The Object class containsa method called getClass() which enables you to obtain a reference toa Class object that contains all sorts of wonderful information aboutthe class. getMethods() will return all the methods of a class,stored as an array of java.lang.reflect.Method objects.

The Method class lets you learn the name, parameters, return type, exceptions,and other information about a method. The following programdemonstrates a trivial printMethods() function that will print thestring representation of all the methods of an object.

import java.lang.reflect.*;public class ListMethods {  public static void printMethods(Object obj) {    Method[] methods;    methods = obj.getClass().getMethods();    for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i)      System.out.println(methods[i].toString());  }  public static final void main(String[] args) {    printMethods(new String());  }}

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