
File Deletion

File Deletion

I’m opening a file for reading, and after reading its contents I write it all to other file. Now I want to delete the original file. How do I this?

When you use FileInputStream and FileOutputStream a lot to do file I/O, it’s easy to forget about the class. The File class allows you to reference files and do things like rename and delete them. Deleting a file is as simple as creating a File instance and invoking its delete method. For example:

File file = new File("deleteme.txt");if(file.delete()) {  // The file was deleted} else {  // The file was not deleted}

The delete method returns true if the file was successfully deleted and false if it was not. A file might not be deleted if it doesn’t exist or you have insufficient permission to delete it. In runtime environments running a security manager, such as a Web browser’s applet sandbox, a SecurityException may be thrown if file deletion is an operation denied to your application.

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