New and Delete

New and Delete

In my class declaration I have a member:

CSomeUsefulClass* m_one;

In my implementation file, there is a function:

DoMyThing(){CSomeUsefulClass* m_two;m_two = new CSomeUsefulClass(param1, param2);//blah...m_one = m_two;//do my thing...}

then in the destructor of my class:

if(m_one)  delete m_one; 

Will this program cause a memory leak?

No, your code won’t cause a memory leak because your destructor deletes the dynamically allocated object. However, I’m wary about the design. First of all, the object is allocated only when DoMyThing() is called. Are you sure it’s alyways called? And if so, what happens if you call it more than once? If the pointer already points to an object, you’re causing a memory leak. Finally, using two pointers that point to the same object is very dangerous.


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