Converting One Class Type to a Different Class Type

Converting One Class Type to a Different Class Type

There are two ways to convert the objects between two different class types.

  1. Define a constructor in the target class, which takes an argument from the source class type:
    class source; // forward declarationclass target{   public :   target():m_str("WebSite")   {}   target (const source& src);   string m_str;};class source{   public:   source () : m_ch(new char[5])   {   strcpy (m_ch, "DevX");   }   char* m_ch;};target ::target (const source& src) : m_str(src.m_ch){}int main (){   source s;   target t;   cout << t.m_str << '
    ';   t = s;					//assigning   target t_1 = s;			//initializing   cout << s.m_ch << '
    ';   cout << t.m_str << '
    ';   cout << t_1.m_str << '
    ';   return 0;}
  2. Define a conversion function of the target class type in the source class. Don't define both, because doing so causes ambiguity for the compiler.
    class target{   public:   public :   target():m_str("WebSite")   {}   target (const char* ch ) : m_str(ch)   {}   string m_str;};class source{   public:   source () : m_ch(new char[5])   {   strcpy (m_ch, "DevX");   }   operator target ()   {   return target (m_ch);   }   char* m_ch;};int main  (){   source s;   target t;   cout << t.m_str << '
    ';   t = s;                                  //assigning   target t_1 = s;                 //initializing   cout << s.m_ch << '
    ';   cout << t.m_str << '
    ';   cout << t_1.m_str << '
    ';   return 0;   return 0;}

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