Identifying Unused Tables with T-SQL

Identifying Unused Tables with T-SQL

You can identify unused Tables in the following way:

; with Unused (TableName , RowCount, DateCreated, DateModified)AS (SELECT AS TableName,PS.row_count AS RowCount,unusedTable.create_date AS DateCreated,unusedTable.modify_date AS DateModifiedFROM sys.all_objects UnusedTableJOIN sys.dm_db_partition_stats PS ON OBJECT_NAME(PS.object_id)=unusedTable.nameWHERE unusedTable.type ='U'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT OBJECT_IDFROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_statsWHERE OBJECT_ID = unusedTable.object_id ))SELECT TableName , RowCount, DateCreated, DateModifiedFROM UnusedORDER BY RowCount

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